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Examples of insightful data visualizations:

When creating data visualizations, one must be mindful of how their targeted audience will read their information, how easy it is to access, and if it can be interpreted easily without much background information or interpretation. Articles like these, explain how important it is to decide what graphic one will use when presenting their data. The author provides great examples such as websites to use, things to consider, and introduces and explains example graphs.

For beginners getting into data visualizations, Excel and Google Sheets may be a good starting point. Once you’ve learned more, it would be beneficial to use a software like SPSS or Tableau. These two softwares are helpful when needing to compile data into a visual, and adding different elements that Excel or Google Sheets may not have had.

The visualization to the left is an example of what Tableau can produce when used by someone who knows the best way to visualize data. There is a pie chart, a bar graph, and a few other visualizations. It’s important to know that when creating such visualizations, coloring, font, size, and type all matter when determining how to best represent your data.

This image shows multiple types of visualizations one can use when portraying their data. Options range from scatterplots, bar graphs, to donuts and bubble graphs. The possibilities are endless when illustrating data for your audience.

Infographic Discussing The Benefits of Yoga

The benefits of yoga - Infographic

Infographic Analysis/Notes: Yoga is my daily passion. Here are the benefits I get and you can get by incorporating yoga into your routine. The person who design this infographic kept the colors mutual yet eye catching, especially how they structured the facts. As your eyes spot the woman in a warrior pose, your eyes then drift to the white dotted lines, which align to each benefit. Then, rather than just putting down stats/words, the pictures and arrows throughout help tie the whole infographic together. For example, there are some images that relate to the fact or that correspond to what yoga is about like; poses, peace of mind, etc. Altogether, the designer of this infographic made the message clear both visually and literally.

Welcome Post

So happy to meet our Fall 2021 class. This is a shared blog we will all use.