Sustainable Development Goal: Quality Education

This week I took a look and started learning about the Sustainable Development Goals also called the global goals developed by the United Nations. One goal stuck out to me which was quality education. These goals are for all over the world and I believe quality education is important for everyone not just here in…

Clean Water And Sanitation

After analyzing the United Nation’s goals for sustainable development the goal that stuck out to me the most was the sixth: to ensure that everyone has clean water and proper sanitation. This is a problem that plagues millions of people all over the world, and achieving this goal would truly change people’s lives. According to…

Sustainable Goal #1: Ending Poverty

After careful consideration and deep researching I chose Ending Poverty as my sustainable development goal. I chose this one because in the end all the goals connect to a bigger picture which is ending poverty. Throughout my research I concluded that a lot of the poverty that currently exists as a result of the Covid-19…

Goal: Quality Education

For my blog post this week, I decided to reflect on the goal of quality education. The goal’s main focus is making schools more inclusive, allowing for quality education, and providing learning opportunities for all students. This goal stood out to be me because I want to be an educator. It goes hand in hand…

Women want equal rights! Complete Goal #5

Women and Men are not equal. We do not get treated the same in the workplace, home life, and social events. In America, from the outside, it appears women have the same rights as men, but that is not true. A woman goes out with her friends and is afraid of a man harassing her….

Goal 4: Quality Education

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is an extraordinary project taking place in our world. I particularly took interest in the goal of Quality Education (#4), because I understand the complications COVID-19 caused for many students and school systems. School closures kept 90% of students around the world out of school and therefore, reversed years…

Sustainable Development Goal 14 and the fight against plastic pollution

Goal 14 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals is Life Below Water. Plastic is polluting our oceans and marine life. A staggering fact is that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. There are ways to combat the mounting plastic problem we face: -Companies are starting to shoulder their responsibilities…

Sustainable Development Goal Number 2: Zero Hunger

End Hunger, Achieve Food Security and Improved Nutrition and Promote Sustainable Agriculture From 2014- 2018, world hunger increased from 23.2% to 26.4%. Over 700 million people experienced food insecurity in 2018. The 2020 pandemic was an additional threat to the food systems. The 17 Sustainable Development goals are planned to be achieved by 2030. This…

Climate Change

There are seventeen Global Goals that we can accomplish before 2030. If you want to check out all seventeen click here. For this blog, I chose to focus on climate change. According to the United Nations, 2019 was the second warmest year on record and global temperatures are expected to increase 37.76°F by the year…