Goal: Quality Education

For my blog post this week, I decided to reflect on the goal of quality education. The goal’s main focus is making schools more inclusive, allowing for quality education, and providing learning opportunities for all students.

This goal stood out to be me because I want to be an educator. It goes hand in hand with two of my goals. My first goal is to make an impact on the students I teach. As a teacher, I want my students to take something meaningful from my classroom that they can use in their life later on. This could be from something simple, such as a book or lesson, to something much greater.

Another goal that I am passionate about is inclusion. I coach multiple Special Olympics teams for adults and children with disabilities. I learned from them the importance of inclusion. Everyone wants to be included and feel like they have a purpose. The goal of quality educations takes my two personal goals and combines them together.

Majority of the goal’s targets are focused on both girls and boys, which I find important. All genders should receive equality and the same amount of opportunities. Most of the targets are aimed to be achieved by 2030. With this being said, I think a lot of people in my generation that share the same goals as I do will be entering the field before this time, making it easier to achieve these goals by this deadline.

Check out this Ted Talk about the importance of inclusion in schools.

Click here to learn more about this goal.