Zoom Features

The article I will be discussing throughout my blog shared helpful tips for creating an interactive and effective Zoom class session. The shift to online learning has been difficult for students and teachers alike. However, we can make the most out of these online learning lectures by staying up to date and knowledgeable about several…

Improve teaching around the World Together

“How to Interactions in the classroom” on Veo website explains how collaborative networking is addresses teaching methods and practices. Veo’s innovative software is improving education around the world. Teachers who use this software are apart of a online community whose goals is to help educators self reflect and improve in their overall performance in the…

How it may be time to rethink the Education System.

This article I found on Twitter talks about how the education system has remained the same for years, while there are many new technological advances. It brings up in the beginning how Elon Musk did not like the way his children were being taught so he started his own school. The school Ad Astra focuses…

Collaboration tools to use in online learning

It seems as though virtual learning is our new normal, it is crazy to think we would be at a place like this so soon. Collaborating with students and having students collaborate with each other can be very difficult through a computer screen. This article shows a variety of different web and collaboration tools that…

Global Learning In The Classroom And Concepts Of Global Education

In today’s world of virtual learning children may be missing out on key experiences that help them understand the world. Global competence is just as important for children as understanding math, language arts, and science. In an article I found it talks about the eight key concepts of global learning. It also discusses ways for…

New Google Workspace Updates for More Efficient Collaboration

Google will include at least 12 new updates within their workspace package (docs, sheets, slides, etc.) by the end of the year. They have done this in hopes to make collaborating with others easier and more efficient. Some of these updates will include: “@” to mention people, files, and meetings. Already available to Google Workspace…

Webinars: Discussions on the Tools and Methods of Archivist

Discussion of The Academic Archivist Article that I found. As a result of the global pandemic limiting in-person conferencing, archivist have resorted to an online version of conferencing over Zoom. Certain aspects and topics of the profession were discussed in these various webinars. Below is each Month’s Webinar. They have a general format of having…

Healthy Lives for All Ages

Goal three of the United Nations is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. The global pandemic has affected living healthy, childhood shots have been come to a halt because of the virus in almost 70 countries. Before the pandemic, the health areas needed to improve however, now we may…

Microsoft Translator

All students deserve to learn whether they speak English or a different language. Translators are hard to come by in school districts which leaves students not being able to communicate with teachers or other students. Microsoft Translator has created a tool to conquer language barriers. Microsoft Translator can be used in so many ways such…

Virtual Reality in the classroom!

So many things have changed in education due to technology. The way we are able to teach students has changed for the better! An example of this is virtual reality. Virtual reality is simulated experiences that make you feel like you are actually there. On youtube, there are tons of virtual reality videos. You may…