Clean Water And Sanitation

After analyzing the United Nation’s goals for sustainable development the goal that stuck out to me the most was the sixth: to ensure that everyone has clean water and proper sanitation. This is a problem that plagues millions of people all over the world, and achieving this goal would truly change people’s lives. According to the U.N.’s website,

In 2017, only 71 per cent of the global population used safely managed drinking water and just 45 percent used safely managed sanitation services, leaving 2.2 billion persons without safely managed drinking water, including 785 million without even basic drinking water, and 4.2 billion without safely managed sanitation. Of those, 673 million persons still practiced open defecation.

This statistic was very eye opening to me. With all of the technology we have today, I feel that everyone should have proper access to clean water and proper sanitation. Luckily The U.N. agrees with my sentiment and they have a plan. they Currently have a goal set in place to achieve clean drinking water and sanitation for all by the year 2030. They can achieve their goal through donations, and cooperation with foreign governments. The organization also hold events spreading awareness, and raising money for their cause. The next major event they are holding is World Water Day on the 21st of March. In sum, The U.N. is doing their part to ensure everyone has clean water and the necessary sanitation technology.

File:Kid enjoying with clean water.jpg - Wikimedia Commons