Sustainable Development Goal: Quality Education

This week I took a look and started learning about the Sustainable Development Goals also called the global goals developed by the United Nations. One goal stuck out to me which was quality education. These goals are for all over the world and I believe quality education is important for everyone not just here in the United States or first world countries.

This goal really stuck out to me as a future teacher obviously education the future generation is important to me. I think it is extremely important and giving everyone a quality education can help the divide in wealth gap. Giving students a quality education will fill them with knowledge to accomplish things in life that they would not be able to do if it was not for the teacher taking the extra time to make sure the students really do learn.

A big problem is the third world countries many kids do not get any education. Some places don’t educate the women or just the rich or the “bright” students. This is just not even giving people a chance to get smart and gain knowledge from the start. Education all over the world is different but it needs to become a top priority for everybody all over the world to have access to a quality education.

Each kid growing up from the United States to Europe to Africa to Asia and all around the globe should be given the time and opportunity to be inside a classroom and learn.