Microsoft Translator

Microsoft Translator is a language translator that can be used for education, business or personal use. The translator for education is a free site or app that services teachers, students and parents; making communication accessible for any language. Microsoft Translator can be used in the classroom: Lectures and Presentations Parent-Teacher Conferences Study Groups Conversations Microsoft…

Microsoft Translator

By: Tara Giandomenico Communication is very important in everyday life, but it’s even more important in the classroom. If a teacher doesn’t appropriately communicate with their students, the students may get confused with their work. It is very important that teachers find multiple effective ways of communicating with their students. The biggest problem with communication…

Life Below Water: Protecting our oceans and marine life

The 14th goal found under the United Nations’ Global Goals is Life Below Water, which entails protecting our waters and the creatures that call it home, while using the oceans for resources and development. Before Covid-19 and the restrictions that surround it took over the globe, ocean acidity and pollution was on a continuous rise,…

SDG Goal #2: Ending Hunger

For those of you who don’t know the United Nations have 17 goals in place called Sustainable Development Goals, aka SDG. They range from ending poverty to creating partnerships and many things in-between. To learn more about all of the goals you can visit the SDG page on the United Nations website. The second goal…

Sustainable Development Goals: Decent work and Economic Growth

Economic growth is 8 of the 17 important goals. It is responsible for driving progress and increase potential jobs. According to the website, “the global unemployment rate in 2017 was 5.6per cent, down from 6.4per cent in 2000″. That means that the entire world’s unemployment rate deceased by .8%. I may not sound like…

A Look Into Sustainable Consumption

Sustainability in general has always been an important factor in my education as an environmental science major. Speaking from an environmental standpoint, production and consumption are two very important factors. Waste is on the rise. Electronic waste is growing at an alarming rate. Approximately 14 percent of food is lost in the supply chain. We…

Sustainable Goal #2: Zero Hunger

This goal is to ultimately end hunger, Improve nutrition, achieve food security, and promote sustainable agriculture Goals: To end hunger and ensure that all people in vulnerable situations are provided with nutritious food all year round. To ensure that sustainable food production systems execute strong agriculture practices that increase productivity and production, helping maintain ecosystems,…

Ending Hunger by 2030

There are 17 sustainable development goals that people are working to accomplish around the world by 2030. The one that stood out to me that I would like to focus on is ending hunger by achieving food security. Hunger and food insecurity can be caused by poverty, a lack of access to food sources and…

SDG Goal number 5

Gender quality has been a topic of interest for a few decades now, but it is still extremely important. The Sustainable development Goals are super imperative and hopefully, we are on track to reach them all by 2030. However, gender equality is something particularly important to me. As a woman in S.T.E.M, I’m fighting gender…

World’s Greatest Lesson: End World Hunger

The goal is to end hunger and promote a sustainable place of living by achieving food security and nutritional improvements. There has been an increase of people suffering from the uncertainty of if they will be able to provide food for their families since 2015, and now due to the pandemic, there are still millions…