SDG Goal number 5

Gender quality has been a topic of interest for a few decades now, but it is still extremely important. The Sustainable development Goals are super imperative and hopefully, we are on track to reach them all by 2030. However, gender equality is something particularly important to me. As a woman in S.T.E.M, I’m fighting gender norms on a daily basis. In this day in age, it is my opinion that someone’s job performance should be based upon their skill level and professionalism, not on their gender. Women should not be paid less for equal work. In the United States, we have come a long way toward gender quality, and while there is still a long way to go we are still years ahead of other places in the world. It was only in the lasts several years that certain countries in the world gave women the right to drive. As years go by women are taking positions of power, equality gaps are beginning to close, just recently the first-ever women Vice President was elected. As a woman I deserve the same rights and opportunities as any man, I want the same thing for my daughters and every woman in the world.

Article By Becka Bloom