Explorer Classroom with National Geographic

While browsing the global educator tools, I came across National Geographic’s explorer classroom. This tool aims to target grades k-12 and allows students to learn about science through live video. Many students, especially now due to covid-19 travel restrictions and financial restrictions are unable to travel. This means there is a huge world of science…

Discovery Education

It is very important for students to go out and see the world beyond the classrooms walls and Discovery Education is making it possible. With virtual field trips, students can see new scenery and learn amazing things from this experience. Discovery Education is creating field trips without leaving the safety of a classroom and without…

Creating a global classroom

In today’s world, you can do almost anything on the internet. It is a tool in itself. The internet is available for a lot of students and can be a positive addition to any lesson. The organization P.A.C.I.E (Pennsylvania Council for International Education) has multiple resources that give ideas of how to use the internet…

Virtual Field Trips while Staying in the Classroom

I chose to work with the K-8 resource category and focus on the Discovery Education resource website that primarily targets virtual field trips for students. Virtual field trips allows students to stay in the classroom, while experiencing different places and opportunities. Due to the pandemic, many schools are either closed or open. If schools are…

Kahoot; Learning benefits in and out of the Classroom

In the classroom, the website Kahoot is used as a great review and study tool. Students are able to collaborate by forming questions and providing multiple choice as well as true and false answers. This can then be used a study tool for the class. Kahoot is used in over 200 countries, and studies have…

The Advantages of Socrative

This article outlines the uses and advantages of the education tool, Socrative. Much like Kahoot, this is a question-giving/answering platform. However, Socrative is slightly more sophisticated in that a teacher can create a room for each class, give assignments, quizzes, etc. Students can access the platform from any device: smartphone, laptop, desktop computer, or tablet….

Pics4Learning image library Tool

Pics4Learning has an image library tool that can be used in the classroom in many ways. Teachers and students can use copyright-friendly photos and illustrations for: Classroom projects Web sites Videos Portfolios Or any other projects in an educational setting As a future teacher I would use the image library for collaborative classroom projects. A…

Global Educator’s Toolbox

GlobalSchoolNet.org is true to it’s slogan- “Linking Kids Around the World!” Its mission is to combine all levels of education and technology to help strengthen relationships within communities and benefit humanity as a whole. The website’s programs unites teachers and students all around the world to complete projects that develop academic skills, along with character…

International Children’s Digital Library

This is a great tool to use in an Elementary classroom. This tool provides free books, in various languages. According to the PACIE Global Educator Toolkit, this online tool’s targeted audience is K-8. The books that this website provides concentrate on global communities and display understanding and respect for diverse cultures, languages, and ideas. This…