Explorer Classroom with National Geographic

While browsing the global educator tools, I came across National Geographic’s explorer classroom. This tool aims to target grades k-12 and allows students to learn about science through live video. Many students, especially now due to covid-19 travel restrictions and financial restrictions are unable to travel. This means there is a huge world of science knowledge that is left unseen to the young learner. Explorer classroom however, allows for the students to travel virtual to explore the world. I choose to focus on this tool because I enjoy science but also because it seems like an exciting way to learn.

Lessons could include science education about many different animals

This amazing tool allows students to connect with real life, real time scientists and researchers. Some examples of events hosted by Explorer classroom are diving with an underwater archaeologist and live lessons with planet physiologists. If I were a teacher, I would love to use this tool in my classroom. In a way, it is like an educational field trip without even going anywhere.

The best way to discover the resources available through Explorer classroom is to browse the website.