The Advantages of Socrative

This article outlines the uses and advantages of the education tool, Socrative. Much like Kahoot, this is a question-giving/answering platform. However, Socrative is slightly more sophisticated in that a teacher can create a room for each class, give assignments, quizzes, etc. Students can access the platform from any device: smartphone, laptop, desktop computer, or tablet. There are many different features to this app, students can communicate with the teacher through a “backchannel”, questions can be posed to individuals or a group, students can provide feedback. The teacher has control over the setup of a quiz, test, or exam. They can even choose to display the correct answers immediately after the assessment is completed. There are many useful features to Socrative.

I think this would be incredibly useful in the classroom, as it is more complex and comprehensive than the widely loved Kahoot. Kahoot is a great study tool, but Socrative is better for dispensing assignments like quizzes and tests. It also gives more opportunities for students to give feedback directly on the platform, this is especially useful for use outside the classroom where the teacher is not present. I would use this in my classroom not only as a study or review tool, but to give assignments and quizzes. While Kahoot is useful, one of its shortcomings is that it is mostly limited to the classroom. I think it is incredibly useful that Socrative can be used both in and out of classroom settings. I think it is a really useful platform for teachers for reviewing material with the students and also giving assessments.

Article by Becka Bloom.