Category Archives: Looking At Our Data

July Compilation

An old photo of cloudless sulfur at Cape May Point — has anyone photo’d one this year yet? July 2011 was the second hottest month ever in New Jersey (since records began in 1895), with an overall average of 78.8. … Continue reading

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Those D—— Skippers!

Dion skipper on redroot, photo by Will Kerling, 7/6/11 South Jersey hosts three single-brooded and tough-to-find skippers whose common names begin with d, and two of them are flying now. The dusted skipper, Atyrtonopsis hianna, flies in very limited numbers … Continue reading

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Here come the Frittish!

Great spangled fritillary at Reed's Beach, Cape May Co., photo by Tom Reed, 7/5/11. (Click to enlarge.) We picked up two different fritillary species in Salem County last week, and now thanks to Tom Reed’s find in his family’s yard … Continue reading

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June 2011 Compilation: so far, so good

Coral hairstreaks in tandem along the Atlantic Ave powerline in Egg Harbor Township (Atlantic Co) on June 23. June 30 is not quite halfway through the butterflyer’s year, so it’s too early for any final conclusions for 2011. Still, it’s … Continue reading

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Count at 80 — and a prediction challenge

Rare skipper on buttonbush, Johnson Pond, near Rt 47, photo by Will Kerling, 6/22/11 We have had a surge of FOYs in the last couple of weeks — two-spotted skipper, mulberry wing, dotted skipper, several Satyrium hairstreaks, and others. (See … Continue reading

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May 31 Compilation

The least skipper was one of seventeen skipper species added to our log in May. Our current butterfly year continues to look like a good one — and might even be shaping up as better than last year’s excellent butterfly … Continue reading

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See-Them-Now Skippers

Female sleepy duskywing, Erynnis brizo, photo by Will Kerling, Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve, April 29, 2011 South Jersey is home to half a dozen species of single-brooded, spring skippers that fly only into May or June. Four of the six … Continue reading

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April 30th Compilation

How is the butterfly year going so far? Very well, thank you! Spring last year (2010) was a good one, everyone seems to agree, and we had collected 870 individual reports of 38 species by the end of April. By … Continue reading

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A Punctuation Imbalance: Where Are The Questionmarks?

Photo by Will Kerling, Cape May Point, 3-19-11 Will Kerling’s cool, up-close photo of the bird-bitten questionmark in hiding and the number of reports and percentages that we’ve had so far of our two local Polygonia species sparked some thoughts: … Continue reading

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South Jersey Butterfly Report for 2010

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Welcome to our new b/log — where I am hoping to provide a friendlier link to our SJ Butterfly Log on Google. To start us off, here’s my report of the 2010 season based on our data … Continue reading

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