Hyperdocs: Google Docs & Ed Puzzle

I found that a lot of these Hyperdocs would be really helpful to me and other students in education. Two of the Hyperdocs really stuck out to me because they were very easy to use. Google Docs and Ed Puzzle seem to be very easy to use and very helpful in school or teaching. Ed…

Hyperdoc: The American Independence Story

This week in class we learned about hyper docs and using them inside the classroom. This is a way to use links of outside websites on a worksheet as students travel from link to link to answer questions. After learning about these I went on a search for a hyper doc that would interest me…

Hyperdocs Make Sight Words Fun

Hyperdocs are a fun and helpful addition to a lesson. A hyperdoc can add an interactive element to any lesson. A hyperdoc slide is visually appealing and has fun ideas in it. The hyperdoc encourages students to: Explore through video and photos Create through various Art projects Explain through a feedback page Reflect and Retain…

Hyperdocs, The tool with many uses!

I have never heard of hyperdocs until recently being introduced to it in Web tools. Hyperdocs is a great tool that helps to put the learning into the hands of the student. Students can go through google slides, docs, etc, and click on links to help further their learning. These documents would have information and…

Edpuzzle and Google Document Hyperdocs

After reviewing the given Hyperdoc PowerPoint, I was able to develop a strong liking for two types of Hyperdocs. The first one that I found to be interesting was the use of Edpuzzle. I have enjoyed the videos that are assigned on Edpuzzle and have learned when answering each open-ended question that goes with the…

A Little Trip to Venice

Located in Italy’s northeast region, Venice, or Venezia is a city completley made out of over 100 small islands. One of the most interesting and beautiful aspects of Venice is that it has not changed in almost 600 years and there zero roadways, all canals and waterways to get you to your destination. Using this…

Virtual Field Trip to Normandy, France.

A virtual field trip to the Scenic Normandy, France gives a glimpse into the beautiful architecture and beaches that Northern France is famous for. Normandy is known as the site of the D-Day invasion during World War II, where British, U.S., and Canadian forces invaded the beaches of Nazi-occupied France. The American deaths that occurred…

Global Virtual Field Trip

The virtual field trip on the Stockton website shows students a 360 experience of landmarks, art, cities , beautiful planets and historical landmarks such as the ancient Mayan building of Chichen Itza and Ellis Island. This entire web page’s purpose was to show students historical cities that student might not have ever searched for or…

Virtual Field Trip To Pakistan

Through Stockton’s GSDLC virtual field trip service I was able to travel to the country of Pakistan. I was able to see all different types of places and unique architecture. The place I “visited” that stood out the most to me was Ratti Gali lake, located in Kashmir Pakistan. The lake was surrounded by lush…

The Secret Annex

This week I took a virtual trip to the famous hiding place of Anne Frank and her family during World War II. The tour starts at a small hallway that is accessed by a stair case. In this small hallway, there is a bookshelf with a bunch of other miscellaneous items. Behind the bookshelf hid…