The Secret Annex

This week I took a virtual trip to the famous hiding place of Anne Frank and her family during World War II. The tour starts at a small hallway that is accessed by a stair case. In this small hallway, there is a bookshelf with a bunch of other miscellaneous items. Behind the bookshelf hid the door to the secret annex, in this wonderful virtual tour I was able to move room to room through the secret annex.

The time the Franks spent in hiding was dull and depressing, but the small wonders kept them occupied. I found a wall where Otto, the father kept track of the girls growth. You could see that Anne grew 13 centimeters in the two year span that the family was hiding. The secret annex as small, there was barely any colors or windows. There was one uncovered window in the attic where Anne could look outside and feel the warm of the sun through the window.

The kitchen was very small, had they had enough food to feed all eight people their would probably have not been enough storage to keep it. The bedrooms were tiny, but Anne made sure to make it feel like her own by putting up pictures on the wall. One very interesting thing I noticed was the lack of a shower.

In the end, this tour was sad because it is a harsh reality that eight people lived and hid in such a small place during such a terrible time, but the historical aspect of this tour is amazing. It allows you to really feel like you are in the Secret Annex and gives tons of insight to what it was like for Anne and her family to live there.

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