The Use of Virtual Reality in the Classroom

By: Tara Giandomenico Virtual Reality can be beneficial in all kinds of classrooms. I am studying to become an elementary school teacher, so my blog post will include research on how to use VR for younger children. Google Cardboard is a great tool to have in the classroom to assist with using Virtual Reality in…

Out of Eden Walk

By: Tara Giandomenico Global collaboration in the classroom is so important. If you visit the National Geographic website, there is an Out of Eden Walk that can be explored yourself, with your classroom, business purposes, etc. If you want to visit the website click HERE. This section of the website is from a storyteller who…

Teaching the SDG’s in my future classroom

By: Tara Giandomenico I am on the path to becoming an elementary education teacher and I plan to teach second grade. I have learned that teaching our students about the 17 Global Goals is critical. Especially at a young age, children need to be aware of what’s going on in our world, and what we…

Virtual Field Trip

By: Tara Giandomenico We have been in quarantine for over a year now. Covid-19 has kept many people from traveling and this can be hard for some people who travel yearly. However, what if I told you that you can go on a trip from the comfort of your own home? Well, I am telling…

Green Frontier

By: Tara Giandomenico Have you ever watched a show completely in a different language? If not, you definitely should! There are so many different cultural aspects seen in TV shows and movies that are based in different areas and different languages from your own. We are so used to seeing our own culture on our…

Microsoft Translator

By: Tara Giandomenico Communication is very important in everyday life, but it’s even more important in the classroom. If a teacher doesn’t appropriately communicate with their students, the students may get confused with their work. It is very important that teachers find multiple effective ways of communicating with their students. The biggest problem with communication…

Climate Change

There are seventeen Global Goals that we can accomplish before 2030. If you want to check out all seventeen click here. For this blog, I chose to focus on climate change. According to the United Nations, 2019 was the second warmest year on record and global temperatures are expected to increase 37.76°F by the year…

International Children’s Digital Library

This is a great tool to use in an Elementary classroom. This tool provides free books, in various languages. According to the PACIE Global Educator Toolkit, this online tool’s targeted audience is K-8. The books that this website provides concentrate on global communities and display understanding and respect for diverse cultures, languages, and ideas. This…

The Importance of Collaboration

The information I got for this blog post comes from the book: Sail the 7 Cs with Microsoft Education by Becky Keene and Kathi Kersznowski What are some technological ways we as teachers can collaborate with other teachers? Recently, I learned about something called TweetMeets. These are Twitter chats that anyone around the world can…

Why You Should Use Immersive Reader in Your Elementary Classroom

I found this information by scrolling on Twitter. I found this tweet under the #edtechchat. Immersive Reader is a free application that is great for students who need extra support in class. This application is already built into your education 365 account on Microsoft, all you have to do to access it is to open…