Green Frontier

By: Tara Giandomenico

Have you ever watched a show completely in a different language? If not, you definitely should! There are so many different cultural aspects seen in TV shows and movies that are based in different areas and different languages from your own. We are so used to seeing our own culture on our TVs because we never feel the need to go out of our comfort zones to watch something different. At first, I was skeptical of doing this and I thought I would have gotten bored of it. However, this was so much fun to do, and it was very interesting as well.

I decided to watch the first episode of the show Green Frontier. This show is fully in Spanish. The episode started out in a jungle, and there was a crime scene to be investigated. While watching this show, I viewed different cultural aspects from my own. The setting of this show is based in Brazil, and the cast is indigenous people. The show is based around different tribes and how they are living in the jungle. The characters who are part of tribes wear all kinds of different clothing than we see in the US. These people wear handmade clothing, little to no clothing, and some even wear handmade masks over their faces. The area that the show is based on is very deep in the jungle, and the characters have to take a boat over a large body of water to get there. The tribes live on this land and they are very connected to the earth. This area is seen as dangerous due to the fact that there are some evil tribes that roam around, and they are very big on revenge. The first episode reveals that these tribes burn their dead, in a different way than we do here in America. The characters who were in the tribes valued their family, life, and land. These people are very territorial when it comes to their land.

There were many differences and similarities from my culture and the culture seen in this show. The show started out in an agent coming to the island in a helicopter, which is similar to my culture. The show had smartphones and guns, which is common to me. On the other hand, the tribes used mashedys and bows, and arrows as their weapons. There were police seen in this episode, but their uniforms look very different from what I am familiar with seeing. Deep in the jungle is where the tribes live and I see that they have more cultural differences from me than the people who live on the mainland do. The tribes live their lives in self-made buildings or just on the land in general. On the mainland, there are bars on the water, markets, beaches, etc. The people who live on the mainland seem like they live fruitful lives because it seems like there’s always something to do, and it’s a tropical area.

The area that this show is based in, is very different from where I live. This area has large bodies of water, that turn into smaller streams that lead deep into the jungle. The area is tropic and the jungle seems warm, there are also many different sounds of unfamiliar bugs and animals that can be heard while the characters are venturing through the jungle. In the jungle, the tribes have different territories and some even have slaves. The people who live in the jungle use fire for light since they don’t have electricity. The people who live on the mainland have septic and electricity. Overall, this was so interesting to do because I got to see a glimpse of an unfamiliar culture that I don’t normally see. I am going to continue watching this show because it’s very entertaining and full of shock. I believe that it’s very educational to sometimes travel or research out of your culture so that you can see how other people live their lives all over the world. We all live completely different lives and all of our individual cultures are what shapes our world.

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