Category Archives: Swallowtails

Young Leps….

… can be worth a photo long before they fly! Photographers willing to share their shots on this blog or our log please send along to nacotejackATgmailDOTcom. Thank you!

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, Host Plants, Moths, Nymphalids, Pierids, Swallowtails | Comments Off on Young Leps….

July 2013: 70+ species for the first time

  July 2013 was an excellent month for butterflies in South Jersey– as our log and contributing observers proved. We found 71 species during the month, a new record high for any single month (topping our previous high of 67, … Continue reading

Posted in First Emergences, Looking At Our Data, Swallowtails | Comments Off on July 2013: 70+ species for the first time

Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright

What a show!  Our most eye-catching butterfly seems to be flying wherever you look — and in numbers not seen in many years. We don’t have daily/monthly data going back before our log began, but we do have numbers for … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, First Emergences, Late Dates, Looking At Our Data, Swallowtails | 1 Comment

Weekend Adventurers

At least a dozen of our contributing observers were out in the field over the weekend, Saturday and Sunday, and we had some cool finds. Brian Johnson may have invented a new mode of butterfly-chasing as he brought his surfboard … Continue reading

Posted in ID Challenges & Tips, Out-of-Area Reports, Skippers, Swallowtails | Comments Off on Weekend Adventurers

Meanwhile, North of Cape May. . .

Bronze copper, our only report of the year, photo’d by Dave Amadio on Sunset Drive, Salem County, 9-9-12. As everyone who visits our log knows by now, Cape May has been the hottest of hot spots for the last couple … Continue reading

Posted in Looking At Our Data, Lycaenids, Migration, Nymphalids, Out-of-Area Reports, Skippers, Swallowtails | Comments Off on Meanwhile, North of Cape May. . .

Double-Header Rarities

Giant swallowtail, photo by Will Kerling, Cape May Point, 8-12-12 Two of our sharpest-eyed and hardest-working observers scored big for our log yesterday. Will Kerling tracked down the giant swallowtail above at the Coral and Cambridge Avenues garden in Cape … Continue reading

Posted in Lycaenids, Swallowtails | Comments Off on Double-Header Rarities

The Boomer Generations

Dion skipper, photo’d by Mike Crewe at Cape May Point State Park on 7-19-12. At least two local butterflies are having an especially good July: dion skipper and eastern tiger swallowtail. As noted a couple of posts ago, dion has … Continue reading

Posted in Looking At Our Data, Skippers, Swallowtails | Comments Off on The Boomer Generations

Giant Swallowtail at Wheelabrator

Giant swallowtail on the wing by Dave Amadio 9/3/11 Dave Amadio documented our 89th species for the year in South Jersey by chasing down and photo’ing a giant swallowtail, Papilio cresphontes, yesterday at Wheelabrator Wildlife Refuge in Gloucester County. It’s … Continue reading

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The Pipevine S-tail Story Continues….

In our previous installment, when last we left our caterpillar heroes (“Pipevine Cats Mystery” June 23), they were climbing over pipevines in several gardens in South Jersey, munching as fast as they could. In our Port Republic garden, most of … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, Host Plants, Swallowtails | Comments Off on The Pipevine S-tail Story Continues….

Pipevine Cats Mystery

Male pipevine swallowtail Why so many pipevine swallowtail caterpillars this year? Pipevine swallowtails have long seemed a hard-to-find butterfly in southern New Jersey. One obvious reason: their host plants, the Aristolochia, are rare to non-existent in the wild here. (Our … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, Swallowtails | 6 Comments