Author Archives: connorj

Let the winter winds blow — these are tough cats!

The snow and winds of this old-fashioned winter (i.e. 1980s-1990s-like) mean that we are still awaiting our first report of adult butterflies.  Thanks to Will Kerling, however, we have some reports of some intriguing lep activity.  He has photo’d and … Continue reading

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Contributors & Totals for 2013

Our sixth year of logging was another good one, especially because of the wide participation of observers throughout our eight-county area. Keep at it, everyone! And if you are new to this blog or our log and would like to … Continue reading

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Christmas Season Butterflies

Thanks to three of our most intrepid butterflyers, we have records of two butterflies in the Christmas Season.* [Make that three species as of 12-28-13. See Update below.] Dave Amadio found and photo’d the clouded sulphur above at Riverwinds (Gloucester … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, Late Dates, Pierids, Swallowtails | Comments Off on Christmas Season Butterflies

How many species in November?

We have already had some interesting reports in the new month: Steve Glynn’s find of checkered white near Rt 49 in Millville on November 2 (photo’d above) and several others. Early yesterday morning (November 3) Will Kerling noted: “After a … Continue reading

Posted in Late Dates, Migration, Nymphalids, Skippers | Comments Off on How many species in November?

Here’s the List: Dave Amadio’s Big Year

Dave A’s computer is up and running again, and so he is now able to send along these photos (his camera never paused) and his breakdown of the amazing Butterfly Big Year he recorded in 2013. After a careful re-count … Continue reading

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One state, one year: 101 species

Dave Amadio achieved an amazing milestone on Saturday, October 5. He photographed his 100th and 101st butterfly species recorded in New Jersey this year. He had reached the century mark for the state when he observed an Ocola a few … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, Will Kerling!

Our most prolific contributor is celebrating a birthday today. His age must be kept a secret, of course ….unless you happen to know it exactly matches our log’s current record for butterfly species found in a single month (hint: see … Continue reading

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September Pix (So Far….!)

Keep ’em coming, photographers. You can add your photos as links directly to the log as described in the blog below — or send them as attachments to nacotejackATgmailDOTcom. Keep reporting, everyone! jc

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, Moths, Nymphalids, Skippers | Comments Off on September Pix (So Far….!)

Pat Sutton on “Where Are The Monarchs?”

  Pat Sutton has written an excellent overview of this year’s monarch flight at the Native Plants & Wildlife Gardens site this week. You can link to it below — very informative and also includes links to other sites and … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, Migration, Milkweed Butterflies | Comments Off on Pat Sutton on “Where Are The Monarchs?”

Adding photo links to our log

Our Google spreadsheet allows participants to share their photos on our log fairly easily. All you need is an on-line url-address (a http: line). The sequence: 1. Take some photos. 2. Download them to your PC. 3. Upload any or … Continue reading

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