You can see Chip Krilowicz’s photo of the hornet/giant swallowtail encounter in his yard on 9-12-13 here on the blog or by going to the http address Chip supplied on his log entry. To do as Chip & others do, see below.
Our Google spreadsheet allows participants to share their photos on our log fairly easily. All you need is an on-line url-address (a http: line).
The sequence:
1. Take some photos.
2. Download them to your PC.
3. Upload any or all to an on-line photo-sharing website.
4. Select any photo you have uploaded to the site that you want to show us and copy that photo’s url (the string of letters and numerals at the top of your screen, starting with http:) by highlight, right-click, copy.
5. Go to our log to enter data about your sighting, then scroll to the column just to the right of the observer column, and paste into that cell (right-click, paste).
That’s it. Your http: line will be lit up in blue. You can check it’s working by double-clicking on it. You and other log-users will see your photo open.
(Please do not try to paste a photo into our log directly from your PC — without a url/http address. That distorts our spreadsheet lines and makes a mess. I do this on the Welcome Page because no data goes there — and I have learned through trial and error how to re-arrange the columns and rows.)
The one step above that requires some preliminary homework is Step 3. To upload your photos to the Internet (and gain that url/http address for each of them) you need first to register on one of the dozens of photo-sharing sites available on the web. Many of these are free; some have a modest annual subscription cost. All do the same thing — give you some storage space on-line and a set of directions about how to upload to their particular site.
Scrolling through our log’s recent reports you will see that Steve Glynn uses Flicker, Chip Krilowicz uses Picassa Web, I use SmugMug, and others use other sites.
I don’t know enough about all the various sites to give anyone advice about how to choose a sharing site or how the upload sequence works in each case, etc, but here’s an article at the Social Times site that features five good free sites with links to each:
Top Five Free Photo Sharing Sites (according to Social Times)
You can also send your photos to me directly, of course: nacotejackATgmailDOTcom, and I will continue to try to feature those that would seem most interesting to our group or most relevant to recent developments.
And if you would rather not be bothered with any of this, that is fine. Chasing down butterflies and reporting them is the main objective of our log — whether you photo them or not.
Keep exploring and logging, everyone!