By: Alex Maseda Injustice has been a heavy topic in my life this past year. Issues that have been around for hundreds of years continue to spout back up and make it known they have not been resolved. This is the reason Amnesty International stuck out to me as I reviewed the many tools available…

Socrative: A Useful Tool in Education

There are many ways to teach students but out of all of the methods of teaching are they fun and engaging enough to keep their student’s attention? Learning online can be very challenging especially since its very different from a normal classroom setting. Teachers can still teach and reach their students by using fun and…

Exploring the World with CIEE

Ever wanted to take classes and continue your degree while exploring an exciting part of the world? Taking a semester abroad can be an amazing experience to further your education while traveling and learning about new cultures. The Council on International Educational Exchange, or CIEE, is a non-profit organization that helps sponsor study abroad experiences…

Global Kids Activity Set

This week I looked into an activity from a global educators toolbox and what tool really stood out to me which was the Global Kids Activity Set. This is a set of cards which give examples of hands on activities you can do in your classroom to learn about different countries and cultures. As the…


ScratchPals can connect students and teachers around the globe to create, collaborate, and provide feedback on coding projects as a cohort. Students may discuss their work in group video calls or in group messages via their teachers. I chose this tool specifically looking for a different way to connect my future students. The name of…

American Councils for International Education

America Councils is an organization that is offering students and teachers the chance to take their education global. They offer scholarships for students to travel for the sake of learning a language crucial to communicating with other countries. This is called the Critical Language Scholarship Program. I chose this tool from global educators toolkit because…

Empatico: Connecting Classrooms Around The World

After browsing the global educator toolkit I came across the website Empatico. Empatico is a organization that connects classrooms around the world. Classes that sign up get paired up with a class from another part of the world. The classes are then able to message each other, collaborate on activities, and even video chat. This…

iEarn Collaboration Center

iEARN is a non-profit organization that is used in 140+ countries, which means over 30,000 schools or organizations participate in the use of this. iEARN is a tool that lets millions of students collaborate on projects together daily as well as encourages teachers to work together online using the Internet along with other communications technologies….

Student Blogging Challenge

The tool I choose for this week’s blog post is the Student Blogging Challenge. I chose this tool because it seemed like a great way to get students engaged globally and share their voices with others. It is also a great way to help students learn about blogging, build their digital portfolios, and learn digital…

Out Of Eden Connected Learning Space

A tool I researched to fit in a Preschool through 12th grade learning space was Out Of Eden Learn. This website provides connections for prek-12 students to explore the world around them. Personally, I place an exceptional amount of importance on being globally connected. I feel as though the more connected we are as a…