Gauging and Treating Emotions Using Reflect in Microsoft Teams

Review of a Microsoft Tech Community Blog by Elad Gravier as posted on Twitter by @mtholfson Education is far more than simply lecturing on information for hours on end. Student’s emotions are now being factored in as a measurable gauge educators must be aware of. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) describes the process of identifying, managing,…

The Beauty of communication

This week we read chapter two in our books, this week’s theme was communication. This Waklet contains the educational technology mentioned in the chapter. I found Microsoft translator to be the most interesting to me. This can be incredibly useful to students who don’t speak English or maybe an American student who doesn’t speak the…

Microsoft Translator

By: Tara Giandomenico Communication is very important in everyday life, but it’s even more important in the classroom. If a teacher doesn’t appropriately communicate with their students, the students may get confused with their work. It is very important that teachers find multiple effective ways of communicating with their students. The biggest problem with communication…

The Importance of Collaboration

The information I got for this blog post comes from the book: Sail the 7 Cs with Microsoft Education by Becky Keene and Kathi Kersznowski What are some technological ways we as teachers can collaborate with other teachers? Recently, I learned about something called TweetMeets. These are Twitter chats that anyone around the world can…