Gauging and Treating Emotions Using Reflect in Microsoft Teams

Review of a Microsoft Tech Community Blog by Elad Gravier as posted on Twitter by @mtholfson

Credit: Public Domain Pictures

Education is far more than simply lecturing on information for hours on end. Student’s emotions are now being factored in as a measurable gauge educators must be aware of. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) describes the process of identifying, managing, and evolving both students and educators understanding of each other.

Here is a brief video made by Microsoft Education showcasing Reflect:

Credit: Microsoft Education Youtube

What are the Seven Steps to maximize the effectiveness of Reflect in Microsoft Teams?

  1. Enable Reflect
    1. Without enabling it, you will be unable to collect and monitor data regarding student’s emotional health.
  2. Help Staff Understand the Words, Questions and Usefulness of Reflect
    1. This is a tool that can have educators collect data on the students opinions from their personal life to assignments. This data can be used to identify and correct any problems a student might have
  3. Have Educators Use Reflect After Explaining its Features
    1. This can make educators tailor there own Reflect to incorporate emotions they and their students understand to better identify these emotions
  4. Make Reflect a Daily Exercise
    1. The tradition of practice makes perfects applies here. By continually gauging students emotions, new class goals can be set based on exploring these emotions and why the class would feel them.
  5. Make the Educator Decide to Use Reflect or Not
    1. Whether they view themselves as unable to thoroughly discuss students emotions, or if it does match their pedagogy, they should have the choice in utilizing Reflect.
  6. No Universal Goals
    1. Every student is their own person with varying emotions day by day. Forcing students into faking behavior is not a beneficial outcome.
  7. Using Insight Reports
    1. Here you can track the change day by day of students emotions.

In Short, Reflect in Microsoft Teams is a valuable tool in collaboration by being able to track students emotions and compare them day by day.

Thank you for reading this blog. For more, checkout my twitter @FallerAustin!

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