Using Educator Resources for the Future

My experience finding a digital planning tool in’s teaching How did I get there? Before selecting a particular skill and resource, I want to discuss how I got to choosing the WE Are Innovators: Inclusive and Sustainable Innovation lesson plan for elementary school students. I Started by scrolling down the homepage to WE Virtual…

Taking a Virtual Field Trip to Florence in 360 Cities

Link to 360Cities’ Florence: The Birthplace of the Renaissance Considering my love of history, it is no surprise that any virtual tour of historical areas will be of interest. Florence’s role as the hub of the Italian Renaissance makes it a location that I would love to see. If I can see what I learned…

Subtitles Blog: A Cultural Comparison Are You Listening!

A Comparison of the Bangladeshi film Are You Listening! to the New Jersey lifestyle. The film can be rented from YouTube here: It is $3.99 for Standard Definition and $4.99 for High Definition. Background The film Are You Listening! is a film about the rural Bangladeshi village of Sutarkhali in 2011. Two years earlier,…

Using YouTube 360 VR for Exploring the Depths of the Oceans

An commentary on using Youtube 360 using a National Marine Sanctuaries Lesson Plan and a National Association for Gifted Children Article Science is a subject that the education system has promoted for many years. Technology is considered an essential part of the lives of practically every young kid. According to Cotabish (2017), “kids under 8…

An Analysis of Sustainable Development Goal 16

Information provided by the United Nations According to the UN’s website, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 is stated as the following: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels” (Overview). More specifically, it demands that people be protected from…

Gauging and Treating Emotions Using Reflect in Microsoft Teams

Review of a Microsoft Tech Community Blog by Elad Gravier as posted on Twitter by @mtholfson Education is far more than simply lecturing on information for hours on end. Student’s emotions are now being factored in as a measurable gauge educators must be aware of. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) describes the process of identifying, managing,…

Webinars: Discussions on the Tools and Methods of Archivist

Discussion of The Academic Archivist Article that I found. As a result of the global pandemic limiting in-person conferencing, archivist have resorted to an online version of conferencing over Zoom. Certain aspects and topics of the profession were discussed in these various webinars. Below is each Month’s Webinar. They have a general format of having…