The Beauty of communication

This week we read chapter two in our books, this week’s theme was communication. This Waklet contains the educational technology mentioned in the chapter. I found Microsoft translator to be the most interesting to me. This can be incredibly useful to students who don’t speak English or maybe an American student who doesn’t speak the…

Microsoft Translator

By: Tara Giandomenico Communication is very important in everyday life, but it’s even more important in the classroom. If a teacher doesn’t appropriately communicate with their students, the students may get confused with their work. It is very important that teachers find multiple effective ways of communicating with their students. The biggest problem with communication…

International Children’s Digital Library

This is a great tool to use in an Elementary classroom. This tool provides free books, in various languages. According to the PACIE Global Educator Toolkit, this online tool’s targeted audience is K-8. The books that this website provides concentrate on global communities and display understanding and respect for diverse cultures, languages, and ideas. This…

Defining Success

You can define success in many different ways, success can depend on the mindset and approach people have. Some believe it is measured by wealth where as others may define it as kindness and understanding. Learning: We succeed not only by what we know but by learning from other people what we can do to…

Global Connection During COVID-19 Pandemic

After using the hashtag, #globaleducation, I stumbled upon a moving article that addresses the history of education and applies it to the current issues educators are facing during a pandemic. We, as a globe, are facing a pandemic that is turning our lives upside down. With the technology we have today it has been way…

The end of the Expo Marker?

For decades, chalk and whiteboards have been a cornerstone of the American education system. Since the dawn of the technological era, old classroom traditions have become digitized and the erasable board is no exception. Applications AutoDraw Whiteboard.Chat Ziteboard Utilization in the Classroom Allows students to all collaborate on one space In the event of student…

Why You Should Use Immersive Reader in Your Elementary Classroom

I found this information by scrolling on Twitter. I found this tweet under the #edtechchat. Immersive Reader is a free application that is great for students who need extra support in class. This application is already built into your education 365 account on Microsoft, all you have to do to access it is to open…