Venice, Italy Virtual Field Trip

It has always been a dream of mine to travel to Rome, Italy. The beautiful cathedral architecture and historical points have always intrigued me. Being that travel has been hard to come by within the last year due to unfortunate events, I was lucky enough to experience my dream trip through the GSDLC’s field trips. During my virtual trip I was able to visit the Colosseum, The Pantheon, and even the Dell’Acqua Felice Fountain, which is quite the sight to see at night! The website even offers videos of different locations packed with people in efforts to add realness to your virtual experience. In addition, it has a whole collection of pictures of the city at night time so you have a full vacation experience.

The features offered on this site truly made me feel as if I was actually walking down the streets of Rome. I covered more in an hour than I would have in 3 days in the city…and for free! Who doesn’t love free?! This was a wonderful experience and I would certainly suggest going on virtual field trips whether it be by yourself, or with your class because nobody should have to miss out on travelling the world.

Colosseum in Rome :: Free photos

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