Virtual Reality in the Classroom

As human beings, we learn best through experiences. As teachers we want our students to get as many hands on experiences as possible in order to make their learning experience the most memorable and worthwhile. Unfortunately, we can not take students on a field trip every day to accommodate the lesson being taught. However, with…

Out of Eden Walk

The Walk of Eden is an amazing story about a man who needed life to slow down a little bit. Following the footsteps of the first people who migrated out of Africa during the Stone Age, Paul Salopek’s decade long, 21,000 miles walk gives humanity a reality check on the important things in life. The…

WE Charity

WE is a nonprofit that promotes a platform for youths and their teachers to make a difference. It supplies them with the tools they need and the right networking to bring communities together to make a change in our world. Within the website, there is an educator resource section for teachers. This area provides any…

Venice, Italy Virtual Field Trip

It has always been a dream of mine to travel to Rome, Italy. The beautiful cathedral architecture and historical points have always intrigued me. Being that travel has been hard to come by within the last year due to unfortunate events, I was lucky enough to experience my dream trip through the GSDLC’s field trips….

Post 6 – Subtitles

I had quite the cultural experience after watching the Spanish sitcom “Extra” . The show revolves around 20-something year old girls, Lola and Anna, who share a flat in Spain. They have a neighbor named Pablo who is very much interested in Lola, while she only finds him to be a nuisance to her day….

Benefits of Sway

Assuring that messages are being sent home can be quite difficult. Class newsletters are an easy and effective creation for teachers, parents, and students. Newsletters can include upcoming events, assignments, congratulations, messages, etc. Microsoft’s Sway is a tool that makes teacher’s life a whole lot easier while trying to convey messages home to parents and…

Goal 4: Quality Education

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is an extraordinary project taking place in our world. I particularly took interest in the goal of Quality Education (#4), because I understand the complications COVID-19 caused for many students and school systems. School closures kept 90% of students around the world out of school and therefore, reversed years…

Global Educator’s Toolbox is true to it’s slogan- “Linking Kids Around the World!” Its mission is to combine all levels of education and technology to help strengthen relationships within communities and benefit humanity as a whole. The website’s programs unites teachers and students all around the world to complete projects that develop academic skills, along with character…


After just receiving my certification in Crafting a Collaborative Learning Environment with Class Teams, I am not sure how I have gone without it for so long! The recent updates of Microsoft Teams in Education is absolutely mind-blowing as it creates a strong virtual community for students during these hectic times. Its features maintain simplicity…


TECHademics is an interactive website used to get elementary level students familiar with technology components. After making an account, teachers are able to shop through topics and grade levels to decide which lessons would be most beneficial to their students. The website also consists of full lesson plans in subjects such as mouse practice, keyboard…