

Image result for pictures of solo from netflix

Blog post #6

Solo: For this week’s blog post the movie I chose to watch was “Solo.” This movie takes place in Canary Islands, in which a surfer falls off a cliff. While the surfer is fighting to survive, he is also reflecting on his life and past romance. (Based on true events) Down below is a link to the movie:



Cultural aspects of the characters and setting 

  • The setting took place on Canary Islands
  • The Canary Islands is a Spanish archipelago and the southernmost autonomous community of Spain located in the Atlantic Ocean
  • All characters in the movie are from Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
  • The Spanish culture is widely known for Flamenco music and dance, bullfights, fantastic beaches, and lots of sunshine

Image result for canary islands spain


What was similar and different to my culture/Travel/Foods eaten/Weather/Adventures for fun/Characters value

  • Similar to my culture: 
    • Basically everything is the same
  • Travel:
    • They get from place to place by driving cars/trucks
  • Foods:
    • Paella
    • Jamon Iberico
    • Gazpacho
    • Pisto
  • Weather:
    • Warm
    • Rain
    • Storms
  • Adventures for fun:
    • The beach

Natural Landforms/Physical surroundings/Social cues/Cultural Influences/Economic situations/Politics

  • Natural Landforms:
    • Cliffs
    • Mountains
  • Physical Surroundings:
    • Beach-I noticed that there were big rocks located on the beach, while partially being in the water
    • Land
    • Ocean- seemed to be there were no waves, more so the water was just flat and calm
    • Rocks- Throughout the movie there were many rocks. Some were big, while others were smile or medium sized. Also, they were all different in color
  • Social Cues:
    • The main social cue that I noticed throughout the movie was scared and upset. The characters in the movie showed this by crying



Image result for cliffs in canary island

I hope you enjoyed reading my 6th blog post!

My Twitter Experience!

My Twitter Experience 


Image result for twitter

Blog post #5

  • Throughout the course Web Tools: Global Learning we had to create a twitter account and follow people who were in our major, as well as follow our classmates. Before taking this course twitter was one of the many social media tools that I used, so using twitter is easy for me considering I have been using it for many years!

My Thoughts on Twitter:

  • Prior to taking this class I had a twitter account, but it was mainly for just following my friends and tweeting unnceccessary tweets. Until I took this class, Web Tools: Global Learning is when I thought of twitter differently. For this class it was mandatory that we created a twitter account and followed not only our classmates, but also educators from all over the world. I feel using twitter for a class is a great thing because you get to meet new people, make new friends, learn new things, and also meet people of your major. In the future I hope to become a teacher, and by using twitter it has helped me gain a lot of knowledge about education. I believe all teachers should familiarize their students with twitter!

Link: Below is a link to a youtube video that I found stating why all teachers should use twitter!



How have those social media space conversations affected the way you think about learning?

  • The social media space conversations affected the way I think about learning because it made me realize how much you can get out of communicating with other people. Since I have created my new account for this class and followed people that are teachers, I have learned so much from what they post!

Have you learned anything significant?

  • Considering that I had a twitter account prior to taking this class I already knew how to work twitter, so that being said since creating my new one for Web Tools I have not learned anything significant. But the one thing I can say is new to me is participating in the twitter chats!

My Twitter Chat/Chats

  • Before taking this class I have never ever participated in a twitter chat, so with that being said I was a bit nervous to participate in my very first one. For the first one, I was pretty confused, but knew it wouldn’t be that difficult since all I had to do was reply to people, ask questions and start conversations. Continuing on with the twitter chats has gotten a lot easier and less frustrating for me. Instead, I find myself learning new things from them and actually engaging myself with teachers from all around the world!

Image result for twitter chats


“Authentic Learning, with Real-World Partners”

“Authentic Learning, with Real-World Partners”


Image result for students video chatting with other students from around the world

In chapter 4 the excerpt that caught my eye was called “Authentic Learning, with Real-World Partners” located on page 52 of the textbook. In this particular paragraph it talks about how each teachers students don’t just use textbook, but instead their students are the textbook! With this being said, the students mentioned in these classes use blogs posts, videos, images and more to communicate their thoughts and ideas with other students around the world!


“How Blogging Is Being Used In the Classroom Today”

While browsing through the internet, I found a post that caught my eye. In this article it tells us information about how blogs are being used in the classrooms today, benefits of using blogs in the classroom, etc. Not only can teachers communicate to their students, but students can communicate and learn from students all over the world.

Link to the article:



Benefits of blogging in the classroom:

  • Instructors are able to post information about what is happening in the classroom or post important information so the parents can stay up to date.
  • Teachers are able to share lessons, assignments, homework, etc to their students or even to other students/teachers/parents all over the world.
  • Teachers are able to post students previous work as examples
  • Students and teachers can learn from others all around the world!

My Opinion:

  • When I became a teacher in the future one of the things that I will use in my classroom is a blog. In all honesty, before I took this web tools class I had no idea what a blog was or even what WordPress was. Now that I use it I became addicted with it and believe it is a great tool for all students to use to not only stay up to date, but to also learn from others all around the world.

“Skype All Around the World”


“Skype All Around the World”

Image result for skype


Welcome to my 3rd Blog post!

Summary: Throughout the years technology has become popular all over the world. In today’s day and age most teachers are using it not only to communicate with others, but their also incorporating it into their lesson plan. For example, an elementary school teacher incorporated Skype into her lesson plan. Over the week they are going to Skype other individuals throughout the world and learn about the different cultures through discussion on Skype.


What is Skype?


What is Skype in the classroom?

  • “Skype in the classroom is “a free global community” that allows teachers to collaborate on classroom projects and share skills and inspiration around specific teaching needs. Teachers can use Skype in a variety of ways to enhance their students understanding of a certain topic in a way that will be more exciting and memorable. Skype in the classroom allows for students to experience new cultures, language, and ideas without having to leave the classroom at all” (maryvillecollege.edu).

What are the benefits to using Skype in the classroom?

  • It provides students with opportunities to socializes with students outside of the classroom
  • Students can look to other students in their classroom and around the world for help besides the teacher
  • Students can connect with other cultures

Lesson plan that incorporates Skype:

This elementary school teacher integrated Skype in her lesson for the week. Over the course of the week her students will be skipping other individuals from all over the world to learn about the different cultures through discussion. Th objectives of this lesson plan is to teach students about different regions and cultures throughout the world, and to teach students about diversity.

Link: https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/INSITE/Skype+Lesson+Plan+for+Elementary+School


Skype in the classroom brings together classes in New Zealand and California:


Teachers share why they use Skype in the classroom:

Thank you for reading blog post #3! I hope you enjoyed it and will use Skype in your classrooms!

“How to get fired for using Technology”

“10 Social Media Rules for Teachers”


Social Media, World, Communication, Together, Community


Welcome to my second blog post!

Article Summary:  “10 Social Media Rules for Teachers” is an article published by the American Board Blog. In this article it talks about 10 rules teachers have to follow while using technology so they don’t get fired. Throughout the years technology has become very popular, and more teachers are getting fired due to the misuse or technology. “An estimated 74% of Americans over the age of 18 use social networking websites. Naturally some of these adults are educators. But with news stories of teachers being fired or disciplined for tweets, status updates, and Instagram photos becoming more common, educators can be (understandably) anxious when using social media” (American Board Blog).

Link to article:


10 Social Media Rules

  1. Know your school
    1. While working in a school district it is very important that you know your school, county, and states guidelines social media guidelines for employees. Some rules you may have to follow are status updates, profile pictures and more.
  2. Watch who you friend/follow
    1. Be careful who you friend request and follow on social media. You are NOT allowed to be friends with your students on any social media until AFTER graduation.
  3. Keep your profile pictures clean
    1. Profile pictures that you post on your social media sites should never show alcohol, drugs, or anything that can be said to be a gang sign. Note: even if you have your profile on private, your profile pictures can still show up on search engines.
  4. Do not affiliate yourself with your school on a personal profile
    1. Never post the name of the school you work at, it could be dangerous and harmful to not only you, but also the school itself
  5. Do not geo-tag yourself with your school location
    1. If you geo tag yourself with your school location, it will allow access for your students to get on your social media profile
  6. Screenshots can last forever
    1. Be careful what you post on snapchat and even any social media website. Screenshots can last forever
  7. Set your Instagram account to private
    1. Setting your Instagram account private allows you to approve of someone first before they look at your profile.
  8. Never mention your school
    1. What ever you mention in a post can be found on a search engine
  9. Never talk bad online
    1. You want to look professional, words get around fast!
  10. Neer post photos of your students on social media
    1. You are considered to be violating a students privacy by doing this.

Note to future Educators:

Please be mindful of all of these 10social media rules for teachers. Anything you post online can not be taken off and what you say online can not be taken off either. Make good decisions. You are a role model for these children!


Thank you for reading this blog! I hope you take information away from this and hope you remember and follow these 10 rules when you become a teacher! Don’t forget to follow me on twitter @MeganSw12613149