Norms 1 and 2

Norms 1 and 2

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Blog Post #9

Summary: Throughout chapter 9 it discussed 2 important norms which is Norm 1: Be prepared and Norm 2: Have a purpose. Many global educators start their journey unprepared and without a purpose, which are the 2 most important things that are needed!


Norm #1: Be Prepared

So many potentially excellent global collaborations fail because educators are not prepared, largely because they do not con what to prepare for” (Lindsay Pg. 145).

Actions to follow in order to be prepared:

  1. Use your PLN’s and PLC’s to find like-minded partners for global collaboration
  2. Determine what common tools you will use to connect and collaborate
  3. Test all tools beforehand to make sure you have access at all places
  4. Be aware of time zone and what is possible

Guided Questions to ask:

  1. “Is it clear who this global project is for?”
  2. “Is it clear how participants will join?”
  3. “Is it clear how participants will connect?”
  4. “What common tools will be used?”
  5. “What time zones will participants be working in?”

“For online collaboration to take place it is first essential that global partners be connected through tools that everyone can easily access and use” (Lindsay Pg. 147).

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Norm #2: Have a Purpose

“Every connection, communication, and eventual collaboration must have a purpose. Planning is the key to success!” (Lindsay Pg. 147).

Typical Purposes: 

  1. Cultural Exchange
    1. “Is the purpose of the project clear”
  2. Inquiry and exploration into a topic or topics
    1. “Is the length of the collaboration clear? Is it a set length or flexible?”
  3. Global project, short or long, curriculum-based
    1. “What are the shared inputs from participants?”
  4. Shared outcomes, Student Summit
    1. “What are the shared outcomes?”
  5. Artifact exchange and/or co-creation
    1. “Will there be artifact exchange? Will there be co-creation of outcomes?”

“Collaborating without a common purpose causes confusion and eventual abandonment frustration” (Lindsay Pg. 147).

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