Category Archives: Nymphalids

Here come the Frittish!

Great spangled fritillary at Reed's Beach, Cape May Co., photo by Tom Reed, 7/5/11. (Click to enlarge.) We picked up two different fritillary species in Salem County last week, and now thanks to Tom Reed’s find in his family’s yard … Continue reading

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Salem County: Hopping w/Leps

Bronze copper at Mannington Marsh, photo by Dave Amadio, 7/2/11. (Click to enlarge.) July has started just as June ended — with lots of of action recorded in our log from a wide variety of spots across South Jersey. The … Continue reading

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And now we have 81…

Georgia satyr at Lakehurst, photo by Dave Amadio, 6/25/11. (Click to enlarge.) Dave Amadio journeyed back to Lakehurst yesterday for another try for Georgia satyr. and he managed to find four individuals of the beautiful, bog and savanna specialist. Thank … Continue reading

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The Summer [form] Is Already Here

Summer-form of P. interrogationis photo’d by Will Kerling, Lily Lake, Cape May Point, April 26, 2011 We have already had two reports of summer-form question marks, Polygonia interrogationis, on the surprisingly early date of April 26 — one at Lily … Continue reading

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A Punctuation Imbalance: Where Are The Questionmarks?

Photo by Will Kerling, Cape May Point, 3-19-11 Will Kerling’s cool, up-close photo of the bird-bitten questionmark in hiding and the number of reports and percentages that we’ve had so far of our two local Polygonia species sparked some thoughts: … Continue reading

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