Category Archives: First Emergences

And now we have 81…

Georgia satyr at Lakehurst, photo by Dave Amadio, 6/25/11. (Click to enlarge.) Dave Amadio journeyed back to Lakehurst yesterday for another try for Georgia satyr. and he managed to find four individuals of the beautiful, bog and savanna specialist. Thank … Continue reading

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Count at 80 — and a prediction challenge

Rare skipper on buttonbush, Johnson Pond, near Rt 47, photo by Will Kerling, 6/22/11 We have had a surge of FOYs in the last couple of weeks — two-spotted skipper, mulberry wing, dotted skipper, several Satyrium hairstreaks, and others. (See … Continue reading

Posted in First Emergences, Looking At Our Data | 5 Comments

Early Fiery Caps FOY Run

Fiery skipper on common milkweed at Wheelabrator Refuge, Gloucester, 6/12/11, photo by Dave Amadio. We have had several first-of-the-season observations in the last few days: coral hairstreak, white-m hairstreak, northern broken dash, broad-winged skipper, and — most surprisingly — fiery … Continue reading

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Bronze Copper Returns to Sunset Drive

Bronze copper at Sunset Drive Causeway, Salem County, photo by Joanna Burger, May 28. 2011. The latest FOY addition to our South Jersey Butterfly Log is a good one at any time, but especially at this time of year. We’ve … Continue reading

Posted in First Emergences, Lycaenids | 2 Comments

New Species for Lizard Tail Swamp

Photo by Will Kerling at LTSP, April 30. Edwards’ azure, Celastrina ladon, found by Will Kerling on April 30 is the 66th species he has documented for Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve. At least three individuals were present that day. It’s … Continue reading

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All Seven Callophrys in April

Juniper hairstreak, photo’d by Harvey Tomlinson, Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve, 4-24-11 Last year we found all seven NJ Callophrys before April ended, and we did it again this year. This year’s sequence: Henry’s elfin: 3/19/11 (Belleplain State Forest) Eastern pine … Continue reading

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FOY Explosion, April 9, 2011

Gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus) photo by Will Kerling, Lizard Tail Swamp April 9, 2011 We are going to be hard-pressed to do better with First-Of-Year emergences any day this year than we did on Saturday, April 9, 2011. Our widespread … Continue reading

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Here comes a challenge: holly azures now flying

Celastrina idella photo by Dave Amadio, Salem WMA April 4, 2011 Yes, our second “spring azure” species is now on-the-wing.  Holly azures  make a tricky ID, but their emergence means checking out those little blue butterflies at our feet has … Continue reading

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Elegant & Early

Photo by Harvey Tomlinson, Belleplain State Forest, 3-19-11 Goodness, what a pretty shot of a significant find! Harvey Tomlinson found this Henry’s elfin (Callophrys henrici) on a trail at Belleplain where the species is sometimes common in April, but not … Continue reading

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A Punctuation Imbalance: Where Are The Questionmarks?

Photo by Will Kerling, Cape May Point, 3-19-11 Will Kerling’s cool, up-close photo of the bird-bitten questionmark in hiding and the number of reports and percentages that we’ve had so far of our two local Polygonia species sparked some thoughts: … Continue reading

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