VR in the Classroom: Collaborating With Classrooms all Over the World

I recently came across a new technology created by Google known as Google Expeditions. According to the service’s website Google Expeditions allows for students to experience AR and VR technologies in the classroom. This can enable students to experiences places and things from all over the world without leaving their classroom. Students can experience some…

Virtual Reality in Education

Technology has taken huge step and is impacting schools all over the world. Although some teachers believe in a simple pencil and paper classroom, virtual reality is taking over in education. Virtual reality in a classroom setting can be so beneficial to the students as well as the teachers trying to get their message or…

Google Cardboard

You’re probably thinking, what is Google doing with cardboard? Well, they are taking people to places they never been before with the use of virtual reality. Google Cardboard is more than an app, it is an experience. Once you put the goggles on, it is like you are physically there. You see, hear, and can…

Virtual Reality as a Classroom Tool

Through the past year it has become extremely clear that the education system needs to remain up to date on technology. The virtual reality headsets and tools are becoming the future of education. One specific article I researched discussed how classrooms with a diverse population used a VR headset to overcome the language barriers. The…

Virtual Reality in the Classroom and the use of Google Cardboard

Google cardboard is a great tool that can be utilized in the classroom. This is a tool constructed by virtual reality that focuses the users eyes and mind on the screen. This is done by blocking out the external vision of the user so it looks somewhat like glasses or goggles. This tool allows students…

AR & VR in Education

In a world where traveling is limited and learning is done in the home, education through virtual reality is a valuable resource. One resource is AR, which projects text and educational information on top of a student’s actual surrounding. While similarly, RV creates an entire digital experience that feels as if they are living the…

The Use of Virtual Reality in the Classroom

As a future elementary school teacher, I plan on using Augmented and Virtual reality in my classroom to engage my students and create successful global collaborations. To start, the terms VR and AR get thrown around a lot, and are often confused with one another. For starters, Virtual Reality completely takes over your vision, and…

Merging the Virtual and Physical Classroom

In the pandemic virtual learning has become the new normal. This has inspired educational technology to come more toward the forefront of education. While we have all been stuck inside people have found a way to travel the world from the comfort of their homes. Google cardboard is an accessible and affordable way to experience…

Virtual Reality and Nearpod

Nearpod uses media and assessments to make lessons interactive. With Nearpod VR (Virtual Reality) students can experience virtual reality, virtual field trips, and explore all around the world. Nearpod has many VR Lessons already pre-created. or you to choose from over 300,000 virtual reality experiences. Nearpod virtual reality can support global collaboration by providing an…

The Use of Virtual Reality in the Classroom

By: Tara Giandomenico Virtual Reality can be beneficial in all kinds of classrooms. I am studying to become an elementary school teacher, so my blog post will include research on how to use VR for younger children. Google Cardboard is a great tool to have in the classroom to assist with using Virtual Reality in…