Collaboration Via PowerPoint

The PowerPoint presentation application has announced a new form of sharing controls when presenting that will make presentations over meetings more efficient. I had found a tweet regarding this new tool and the author of this tweet posted a Youtube video demonstrating the easy way to share controls of a PowerPoint presentation in a Team…

Collaboration Through Padlet

Padlet is an online bulletin board. Teachers can use it in their classroom to get their students to collaborate. Teachers can post a discussion question and students can use the text box to answer. They can also reply to other classmates. Students can post: Ideas Documents Files Photos Websites Drawings Another cool thing about Padlet…

Online tools are becoming more user friendly

Due to the pandemic, educators rely heavily on video chatting applications such as zoom or Microsoft teams. Students have the opportunity to talk with the professor or peers in a chat while on a call. This could be extremely helpful for educational purposes. Sometimes the conversation is more of a distraction than a tool. The…

Collaboration through MINECRAFT

Keeping young students engaged and excited about learning, especially with remote learning can be difficult. Luckily, Minecraft: Education Edition allows a fun and creative way for educators to teach on a game-based platform. Teachers can have students collaborate in groups or pairs in which they can work together or even compete against one another. Lessons…

New Feature Added to Microsoft Teams

The new feature in Microsoft Teams is being able to enable and disable chat throughout the meeting. This can be used for collaboration in the classroom as you can disable chat when going over new information and need everyone focused on the information being given. Then when wanting collaboration inside the classroom you enable the…

The Importance of Collaboration

The information I got for this blog post comes from the book: Sail the 7 Cs with Microsoft Education by Becky Keene and Kathi Kersznowski What are some technological ways we as teachers can collaborate with other teachers? Recently, I learned about something called TweetMeets. These are Twitter chats that anyone around the world can…

Collaborations Done Through Microsoft Teams for Help

In the article, “Practice Makes Perfect,” University of Central Lancashire developed many teaching communities through Microsoft Teams to promote collaboration and help those who struggle with technological advances. Academic colleagues are connected through Microsoft Teams and give guided practice to support those who need help. This will enhance one’s knowledge when it comes to technology…

How Technology helps Career Planning

Technology plays a large roll In preparing students for future careers. As time goes on, many new softwares have developed and has helped students participate in working together to better themselves technologically for the future. Through this experience in the classroom students develop skills that are great to put on resumes, and further are open…

The Plus Side to Online Learning

By Alex Maseda On a search for an educational tech post on Twitter I found an optimistic article that discusses the positives to online learning. Though it feels the entire world came to a complete halt in March of 2020, students were able to quickly get back to some form of normalcy thanks to online…