Using a HyperDoc

This week in class we used HyperDocs for one of our assignments, which is something I really enjoyed. I am very familiar with using these, as a lot of my teachers in high school would give us assignments and send us on ‘WebQuests’ to get our work done. To further explore HyperDocs from the teachers…

Hyperdocs (Blog 8)

Hyper documents are used to show many aspects of the document while utilizing many links such as google maps to a specific location and other websites. It is usually package in a google document. In this Google document you can see that it is divided in columns or in a web evenly by events or…

Using The HyperDoc Padlet

The HyperDoc Padlet is great for teachers and students to post notes on a common page. These notes can contain links, images, videos, and document files. This is a board to organize all information for lessons and exams in an interesting and engaging way. I think Padlet is great for students to learn content in…

Meaningful Lessons with Hyperdocs

A hyperdoc is described as a digital lesson that is created by teachers, and given to students. This allows for a break from lecture style teaching, and gives the students a chance to work alone or with partners to deep dive or research a topic online. The Hyperdoc that I found to be most interesting…

Creating a Jeopardy Game in the Classroom; Hyperlinks

When I was in Elementary School, the game of Jeopardy was a large learning as well as study tool in the classroom. All students would look forward to Jeopardy day and knowing at a young age that I wanted to become a teacher, this study game caught my eye as to how I want to…

The World of Hyper Docs

HyperDocs are more than just slide shows, a hyper Doc is an interactive Google Document that can open a new world to learning. Rather than using a traditional slide show, a hyper doc makes interacting with the material a must! A hyper doc isn’t just a slide show however, it can be a google Doc…

Hyperdocs: An Alternative Way to Promote Learning

After viewing this presentation on Hyperdocs, I came across the great service known as Edpuzzle. Edpuzzle is an online service designed to help students understand a given topic. Teachers can upload a video and insert questions and comments throughout. This service is very versatile, and it can be used for a myriad of different assignments,…

Gingerbread Man Hyperlink

As a preschool teacher at a daycare I found the most interesting hyperlink was this walk through gingerbread man. This hyperdoc is a power point slide show that includes math and decorating a blank gingerbread man cookie. This hyperdoc also includes a read aloud version of a Laura Murray book where the gingerbread man gets…


For this week’s blog post, I learned what a HyperDoc was. These are great tools to get students engaged in content work and collaborating with other students. When researching, I found an example using this link. The example I found by searching #hyperdocs on Twitter was perfect because my future goal is to be an…


This week we explored Hyperdocs. Not only did I learn what they and the purpose they serve, but I also found examples of them. Using the Twitter page TeachersGiveTeachers (@TsGiveTs) and the hashtags Hyperdoc and Hyperdocs I was able to find many good examples. I found this website that has an ample amount of examples…