New Google Workspace Updates for More Efficient Collaboration

Google will include at least 12 new updates within their workspace package (docs, sheets, slides, etc.) by the end of the year. They have done this in hopes to make collaborating with others easier and more efficient. Some of these updates will include: “@” to mention people, files, and meetings. Already available to Google Workspace…

A Digital Divide-How We Can Fix Internet Access Gaps NOW

“Children are only 20% of our population, but they are 100% of our future, and right now we’re leaving behind millions of them.” –@SenMarkey Millions of children are still without internet access and are not able to engage in online learning. It is crucial that steps are taken NOW to support these families and children….

The end of the Expo Marker?

For decades, chalk and whiteboards have been a cornerstone of the American education system. Since the dawn of the technological era, old classroom traditions have become digitized and the erasable board is no exception. Applications AutoDraw Whiteboard.Chat Ziteboard Utilization in the Classroom Allows students to all collaborate on one space In the event of student…

Why You Should Use Immersive Reader in Your Elementary Classroom

I found this information by scrolling on Twitter. I found this tweet under the #edtechchat. Immersive Reader is a free application that is great for students who need extra support in class. This application is already built into your education 365 account on Microsoft, all you have to do to access it is to open…