A Digital Divide-How We Can Fix Internet Access Gaps NOW

“Children are only 20% of our population, but they are 100% of our future, and right now we’re leaving behind millions of them.” –@SenMarkey

Millions of children are still without internet access and are not able to engage in online learning. It is crucial that steps are taken NOW to support these families and children. Senator Edward Markey explains why it is imperative that we give the estimated 12 million children without internet access a chance to participate in online learning so they do not get left behind.

Congress is encouraging the Federal Communications Commission to fund the existing E-Rate program, which are schools and libraries universal service support program to extend this to families so they are able to access the internet.

  • Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts has proposed a bill that would establish a $4 billion connectivity fund to help enhance the E-Rate program
  • Schools and libraries that qualify for the funding will receive WiFi hotspots, routers, modems and other devices that will be given to students so they can participate in online learning with their class
  • Markey, who is the author of the original E-rate program, initially called for $2 billion in emergency funding, has increased the amount to $4 billion after receiving major support from educational organizations after learning how severe their needs are

52 educational organizations have already submitted a letter of support for Senator Markey to the Senate Commerce Committee, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and other senators.

  • In the image above, the Digital Divide also features major societal injustices
  • One report from the Colorado Futures Center says more than 54,000 elementary age children do not have access at home
  • Of that total, more than 2/3 are Hispanic, the majority live in low-income households, and more than 50 percent have parents in one of the 12 industries deemed by the governor as essential during the pandemic.

This image shows how essential it is for students to have access to the internet while at home. School Districts have been doing everything they can to help these children keep up with their peers, but without proper funding-there is a high likelihood that many of these students will face long-term learning deficits if congress does not act fast.

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