Out of Eden Walk

The Out of Eden Walk is about a man, Paul Salopek, who took a journey in order to observe and rediscover our world. This is an amazing adventure he took to learn about our ancestors first steps. This 21,000-mile excursion allowed Salopek to slow down and to find humanity at his own pace. While on his journey, Paul Salopek learned so many new things and photographed and recorded his experiences.

After looking through all of the different places that were explored, I chose to first explore Autumn Wars.I read about the rock art and looked at pictures which I found so interesting to see pictures carved into rocks. Paul explains that “Archaeologists believe the hollow limestone rock heard here may have been used by our Stone Age ancestors for signaling” Paul found drawings or spears, animals, and symbols. Although, some are not readable at this time, he states that the messages are of “another mindset, another state of being.”

Next, I found myself interested in Silk Road. Silk Road is described as a “remote and minor outpost on Silk Road.” Salopek explored 25-foot ramparts of timber and stone and found out that it is still there. He explored different monuments such as a watchtower that once was around the Ganish’s perimeter. During his time here, he found himself walking down trails that was such an important experiment in globalization, which is Silk Road. Silk Road was known to connect so many lives and was a huge place for “Eastern breakthroughs.” He then mentions the plague, which wiped everything out. Salopek discovered carvings of ibex about “vanished empires.” Click the link for a short video for Silk Road. https://vimeo.com/252354523

The last place I explored was the Riverlands. Salopek talked about the trails he had to take and how they consisted of kinks and in “brutal direct lines.” There were curves, inks, and sharp turns along his journey. These paths of the Stone Age contained crazy trails and cause the gps tracker to have dead ends and the need to back track. These maps show how this adventure was not a straight run and contain some issues along the way. 


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