Out of Eden Walk

Out of Eden walk is a great technology tool to use in the class room. It puts the kids in a place where they can explore the view and also read about different things around the world. One place I chose to read about closely is the Cracked River search for the endangered dolphins. This is where they looked for endangered dolphins that our very limited. This would be a great thing to use in a history class to show different parts of the world and what is going on in these places.

I also explored the goodbye to Raju where they left the donkey he was traveling with and talks about how you learn so much from animals. Raju helped him so much along the journey and got him through a lot of it by being able to do manual work while battling the long journey they have been through.

The third thing I chose to explore in the camel walking. In Africa animals are used for a lot of transport and manual work. This is due to the lack of technology readily available to them. Camels can carry a lot of things and walk for a long time. These camels work hard for the people and get them things they would not be able to get done as well without them.

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