Possible experiences in Out of Eden

Out of Eden

Out of Eden is an online program that encourages and promotes connection, diversity, and a collective world experience. Out of Eden offers interactive learning journeys.

Young learners, such as Pre-k and Kindergarten students, can experience and learn from Out of Eden. The journey can be taught to these little learners in a more simplistic way, and the use of technology can heighten the experience. In a younger student classroom the students could:

  • Learn geography by exploring the different places
  • Learn about the various types weather and climates in other places
  • Learn about different cultures and the diversity , also make personal connections to others.
  • Be creative and form an experience of their own

As a classroom, you could explore the Explorer magazine which can be a classroom resource to help empower students. The Scout version has appropriate Kindergarten content which can be used in any Pre-k or Kindergarten classroom.

Vol. 18 No. 1 of Young Explorer (grades K–1) 

You can also take a virtual exhibition or plan a virtual event. at the National Geographic Museum. The musuem showcases many ideas in the fields of exploration, scientific research, storytelling, and education all through interactive learning stations and behind-the-scenes stories.

A virtual tour at the National Geographic Museum.

Students can use Google Earth to explore borders around the world or in their own communities. The Project Zero activity Everyday Borders can help Students explore any border with the help of Google Earth. Students can also use Giant Maps which is a map of a continent or a classroom-sized state map. The students can use giant maps to explore and travel all around the world.

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