Change makers: We Walk for Water

As a teacher a great resource you should look into to have your students make a change is we schools. This website gives out places to support world wide learning and can connect you with classes world wide or have you help students world wide. The one lesson that stuck with me for grades 1-3 that I really liked and would use in my future classroom is WE WALK FOR WATER.

This lesson plan teaches students why water is so important and how we all need it to survive. This is something all young children might not realize the importance. The third part of the lesson teaches the students how some people need to search and walk for water. Which these students would never think of having to do as most people in America have easy access to water and do not notice. This 4th lesson is the event where you host at your school having other classes join you and have kids raise money for walking for water.

This is a great way to make your students learn a valuable lesson and to be grateful for what they have while also doing something to make the change. This is something students would enjoy doing as well and is a great life lesson to learn. Which many sometimes forget in the classroom being a change maker can be really important and who knows maybe a student will get really involved and continue to raise money.

WE Walk for Water Campaign | WE Schools at

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