Issue Cards

After visiting We Schools, and looking through the site, I came across a source called Issue cards. In this source it teaches you all about the Sustainable Developmental Goals. When looking through the issue cards, it gives you all of the information needed to know what is going on in the world today. This is a great way to teach the goals to children especially because they keep each card small but very informational.

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The second goal that is talked about is Sustainable Developmental Goal 6: Water. This goal is an important one like all of the rest, they talk about how millions of people do not have access to clean water and it can severely affect their health. It gives all of the important information about the goal and room to think clearly about how to act on it to make a difference for the future.

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For each goal that is talked about in these issue cards, there are three discussion questions to think about and reflect on. Discussion questions are a great way to keep you thinking and on track with the topic.

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Overall, this website is a great way to discover new sources to use in the classroom. I am happy that I found these issue cards, they are an easy way to explain the goals to children without them getting confused. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to change up the sources they use in their classroom.

Thank you for reading my blog:)

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