Shtisel: A look at a culture different from my own

I recently watched the show Shtisel on Netflix. The show is about a family in Israel and their life. The show highlights the life of an average Israeli citizen, and it opened my eyes to the cultural difference between the U.S. (my home country) and Israel. for starters their food was a lot different from our own, which is expected, because food has deep traditions in many cultures. Another difference I noticed in the show was their attire. The family is apart of a particular sect of Judaism that has a strict dress code. The males are required to wear a head covering, and the female’s are required to wear skirts. I found this to be very interesting, and very different from the U.S.. A similarity I noticed between our cultures was our family values. Like most people in the U.S., the people in the show had very strong family values. Family is a very big part of their lives, and most U.S. citizens can resonate with this. In summary, The show Shtisel is a good look at a culture that is different from our own.

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