Use Google Earth in all school subjects for global collaborations

Google Earth picture

One of Google’s well known apps is Google Earth. Google Earth is a computer program that enables users to view a 3D representation of the Earth’s surface. The satellite images can show detailed and updated pictures of locations. Both the app and the web version also provides descriptions of each location that is searched.

Regarding education, Google Earth has been more linked to history classes. Google Earth allows students to visit places around the planet visually. There are mini tours called Voyages that enables students to tour places on Earth they are studying in class. This visual form of touring keeps students engaged in global studies within the classroom walls.

Besides history, Google Earth can be use in math classes for students to interact with measurements. There are tools embedded in Google Earth that measures distances in different units and uses variety of scales. Students can interact with the tools and apply what they learned from lesson plans on real life features and locations.

Google Earth measurement features by Richard Byrne

Educators can also use Google Earth in literature classrooms. Similar to history classes, students can visit and view settings of readings that have been covered in class. This creates a more enriched reading experience because students can compare and contrast information between class readings and what they view on Google Earth. I learned that Google Lit trip is a helpful aid for literature teachers to utilize Google Earth in their lesson plans. Learn more about Google Lit trips here.

In astronomy, Earth or other science related classes, students can explore other surfaces besides Earth. Surfaces of the moon and Mars can be viewed on the desktop version of Google Earth. Just like Voyages, students can click on NASA marked landmarks on both Mars and the moon to learn about each land feature. A visual tour can be recorded for class presentations.

Touring moon and Mars surface by Richard Byrne

Google Earth may be used primarily for history classes, but the usage of it in schools is not limited to one subject. Students love visual learning and making connections between course content and the real world. Google Earth is a effective visual tool that brings global learning to life in the classroom for all subjects.

To learn more about Google Earth can be used in the classroom, visit here.

Thank you reading my post. If you have time follow me on twitter at: @JoshuaM56704430 for more education related information.

One Comment Add yours

  1. whaleyl says:


    I loved reading your blog about Google Earth! I feel like history and geography are the two main subjects people think about when using Google Earth in the classroom, so it was so interesting to read more about how you can use Google Earth for more than just history classes. Using it in English classes to see the places you read about is such a smart idea, I would have never thought about that! Thank you for sharing these ideas, I will definitely be looking more into it to see if I can use it in my future classroom!


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