Google Cardboard, the virtual reality tool, can contribute to successful global collaborations

What is google cardboard?

Google Cardboard is a virtual reality headset from Google. This virtual reality headset is built from basic cardboard or plastic that brings the viewer in a video or gives them a 360-degree view of an image. It makes the viewer feel like they are actually in that location when in reality they are in the comfort of their own home or classroom. 

All you need to do to use google cardboard is to download the google cardboard app on your phone and then slip your phone into the cardboard slot that is on the device. Google cardboard is very inexpensive because you are only paying for the cardboard goggles and using your own smartphone.

How to use Google Cardboard and how it works

Ways to use google cardboard in the classroom

  • A virtual field trip

Students can all choose a location to go to (they can all have the same or be different). The students can then check it out virtually and see what is there. You can follow it up with a worksheet with some questions about their virtual trip or you can have a discussion with the students after. 

  • Watch 3-D videos

There are so many online videos the student can watch. They can watch anything from underwater sharks to roller coasters. Choose a 3-D video that correlates to the lesson you are teaching and have the students watch it through the google cardboard. 

  • Have students create their own projects 

Using google cardboard the students can take 3-D photos and videos that can then be shared with the class. You can also have the students write creatively about why they decided to document something or any significance it had to them. 

To see more ideas and activities that google cardboard can be used in the classroom click this link!

News report on using Google Cardboard in the classroom.

How can google cardboard can contribute to a successful global collaboration?

One of the best things about google cardboard is that students can visit places all over the world without needing a passport or money to get there. Students can go from sitting in the classroom to taking a trip to Greece or Norway. A great way to have successful global collaborations in your classroom is by having students meet up with people online. They can chat through google hangouts or any other chatting program and then they can use google cardboard to view the places in which they live. This will bring the students’ bond closer as well as educate them on students living across the globe. 

Google Cardboard is such a cool tool that would make learning in the classroom so much fun. As a kid I would have loved to have school days where I could have been on a virtual reality set and see things from all over the world. It is truly amazing how much we have advanced in the past couple of years where this is now possible and easily accessible to schools. I hope many educators take this into consideration when planning for lessons in the upcoming school year so their kids can have another form of successful global collaboration.

Thank you so much for reading my blog!

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One Comment Add yours

  1. angellej says:

    I really enjoyed your blog about Google Cardboard. I loved the ideas you thought of for how to incorporate them within the classroom. VR brings a whole different aspect to the classroom, which is something to appreciate!

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