Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration

people working together

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For this blog post, we were given the task to pick one of the tools for educators on the list provided. I chose to write about the “Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration” because I found this one personally interesting and would have been a valuable resource to me growing up. You can find specific programs and there’s a community to help if you have questions.

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As previously mentioned in the video the main goal is to engage students in formal or informal videos to expand their learning more. They explained how you still could use this tool if you wanted to take a video course across the country. This tool opens up horizons for learners and makes them not have to limit their education process solely because the things they want to learn are out of reach.

This tool they have provided everyone with is another way global learning has taken off recently. The world is changing and we are finding new ways to adapt and help learners grow even more. They give you the chance to find and research a topic maybe not be discussed in school. This would’ve been valuable to me as a child since I tend to go off and think about things my way. It allows you to explore your mind more and collaborate with others across the world! 

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