Microsoft teams

I have recently learned a lot about how Microsoft teams can be used in the classroom. After reading Sail the 7 C’s Chapter 2 communicators, I realized that teams can be used for much more than I thought. Teams can be used to liven up announcements. You can create live channels using teams. One principal…

Communication:Presenter Coach

Presenter coach is a Microsoft tool that can help you practice your communication of a presentation and receive feedback. Presenter coach allows you to practice by yourself before doing it in front of a group of people. I found presenter coach as an intersting tool for communication through Microsoft. Even though the tool is not…

Microsoft Translator

In this weeks reading, I learn about a new too: Microsoft Translator. What is Microsoft Translator? It is a free resource that gives live captioning and translation in the classroom. Teachers can use it for students who have a hard hearing or do not understand English. I think this tool is important to have in…

The Beauty of communication

This week we read chapter two in our books, this week’s theme was communication. This Waklet contains the educational technology mentioned in the chapter. I found Microsoft translator to be the most interesting to me. This can be incredibly useful to students who don’t speak English or maybe an American student who doesn’t speak the…

Benefits of Sway

Assuring that messages are being sent home can be quite difficult. Class newsletters are an easy and effective creation for teachers, parents, and students. Newsletters can include upcoming events, assignments, congratulations, messages, etc. Microsoft’s Sway is a tool that makes teacher’s life a whole lot easier while trying to convey messages home to parents and…

Communicating Using Microsoft Translator

Microsoft Translator allows you to be a part of the conversation regardless of the language you are speaking. It can be used for personal use, for business use and for education. We are making such strides breaking language barriers and Microsoft Translator makes it so easy for families to help their children in school, it…

Presenter Coach: A Tool To Practice Your PowerPoint Presentations

I recently came across a great feature of Microsoft PowerPoint known as Presenter Coach. Presenter Coach is a tool that helps you prepare for power point presentations. According to Microsoft’s website, Presenter Coach evaluates your pacing, pitch, your use of filler words, informal speech, euphemisms, and culturally sensitive terms, and it detects when you’re being overly…

Microsoft Translator

In Chapter 2 Communicators, of the “Sail the 7 Cs with Microsoft Education” book, the authors talked about Microsoft Translator and how it has benefitted students and teachers within the classroom. Microsoft Translator enables teachers to understand and listen to their students’ needs. There are many languages that are spoken around the world, and it…

Immersive Reader as a Learning Tool

Have you ever struggled to teach children how to break down sentences into parts of speech or how to break down words to their syllables? The Immersive Reader tool on Microsoft platforms can help! The Immersive Reader tool has options to break down words by their syllables, as well as, other tools to show parts…

Powerful Learning Tools!

Throughout the website Wakelet, I found a post about Improving Reading and Writing with Microsoft Learning Tools. No matter age, or education level, Microsoft provides many techniques and tools to further improve reading and writing skills in all students. These tools include reading and writing strategies that help students identify syllables and help them pronounce…