Category Archives: Lycaenids

Five Years of Satyrium Hairstreaks By County

The reports of banded hairstreaks in Camden County in the last several days from Dave Amadio and Chris Herz announced the opening of our Satyrium season and sparked me to look back at our five years of reports of this … Continue reading

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Meanwhile, North of Cape May. . .

Bronze copper, our only report of the year, photo’d by Dave Amadio on Sunset Drive, Salem County, 9-9-12. As everyone who visits our log knows by now, Cape May has been the hottest of hot spots for the last couple … Continue reading

Posted in Looking At Our Data, Lycaenids, Migration, Nymphalids, Out-of-Area Reports, Skippers, Swallowtails | Comments Off on Meanwhile, North of Cape May. . .

Mid-August Gallery

Little yellow, photo’d up close and personal by Will Kerling at Cape May Courthouse, 8-11-12. The last ten days or so have provided such a whirlwind of butterfly events that it’s hard to keep track of them all, including: *** … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, First Emergences, Lycaenids, Nymphalids, Pierids, Skippers | Comments Off on Mid-August Gallery

And More Harvesters…

Look close: it’s a harvester caterpillar consuming wooly aphids at Chestnut Branch Park, Gloucester County, 8-16-12. Photo by Dave Amadio It’s hard to keep up with our observers tracking down exciting sightings on various fronts. We have our first reported … Continue reading

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Double-Header Rarities

Giant swallowtail, photo by Will Kerling, Cape May Point, 8-12-12 Two of our sharpest-eyed and hardest-working observers scored big for our log yesterday. Will Kerling tracked down the giant swallowtail above at the Coral and Cambridge Avenues garden in Cape … Continue reading

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Mid-June SJBF Happenings

This Edward’s hairstreak (and two others) at the Hesstown power lines, photo’d by Will Kerling on 6-16-12, means we have found all five South Jersey Satyrium species in June. Hey, South Jersey Butterflyers, lots of action lately — and apparently … Continue reading

Posted in Lycaenids, Migration, Nymphalids | Comments Off on Mid-June SJBF Happenings

A hairstreak emerges

One of three lycaenid caterpillars on white oak, 5-17-12, Stockton campus, Atlantic Co. Turning over leaves of a white oak tree (Quercus alba) on Stockton’s campus on 5-17-12, I came upon three caterpillars that looked like possible lycaenids, so I … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, Host Plants, Lycaenids | Comments Off on A hairstreak emerges

Satyrium Time

The first Satyrium of 2012 was this freshly-emerged oak hairstreak (S. favonius) that Dave Amadio found in his garden in West Deptford on June 1. This species and Edward’s are generally the most difficult members of the genus to find … Continue reading

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Mid-May Report

Up close and personal view of little wood satyr photo’d by Will Kerling at Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve, 5-14-12, a species new for 2012, as of 5-8-12. Halfway through the month, we have recorded 50 species for May (and 55 … Continue reading

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Can you name either of these butterflies?

An anglewing, sp. photo’d by Harvey Tomlinson in the Great Swamp (Morris Co) on 4-21-12 Harvey Tomlinson has sent along the photo above as an unsolved puzzle: Is it a comma or a question mark? He points out that the … Continue reading

Posted in ID Challenges & Tips, Lycaenids, Nymphalids | 1 Comment