Author Archives: connorj

Wanted: more ovipositing photos

Holly azure (Celastrina idella) ovipositing on American holly (Ilex opaca), photo by Mike Crewe, Belleplain State Forest, 5-1-2010 Calling all SJBF photogs: How many species can you document egg-laying this year? Because studying host plant preferences is probably the best … Continue reading

Posted in Host Plants, Lycaenids | 1 Comment

FOY Explosion, April 9, 2011

Gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus) photo by Will Kerling, Lizard Tail Swamp April 9, 2011 We are going to be hard-pressed to do better with First-Of-Year emergences any day this year than we did on Saturday, April 9, 2011. Our widespread … Continue reading

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Here comes a challenge: holly azures now flying

Celastrina idella photo by Dave Amadio, Salem WMA April 4, 2011 Yes, our second “spring azure” species is now on-the-wing.  Holly azures  make a tricky ID, but their emergence means checking out those little blue butterflies at our feet has … Continue reading

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Elegant & Early

Photo by Harvey Tomlinson, Belleplain State Forest, 3-19-11 Goodness, what a pretty shot of a significant find! Harvey Tomlinson found this Henry’s elfin (Callophrys henrici) on a trail at Belleplain where the species is sometimes common in April, but not … Continue reading

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A Punctuation Imbalance: Where Are The Questionmarks?

Photo by Will Kerling, Cape May Point, 3-19-11 Will Kerling’s cool, up-close photo of the bird-bitten questionmark in hiding and the number of reports and percentages that we’ve had so far of our two local Polygonia species sparked some thoughts: … Continue reading

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Azures & Others, St Patty’s Celebration

Celastrina lucia, Mannheim Avenue 3/17/11 in “lucia” form (= ~24% of all C. lucia individuals) Thanks to some lovely sunshine (and the luck of the Irish?), butterflies are flying now, as of March 17th. Temperatures climbed into the 60s & … Continue reading

Posted in First Emergences, Lycaenids | 2 Comments

South Jersey Butterfly Report for 2010

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Welcome to our new b/log — where I am hoping to provide a friendlier link to our SJ Butterfly Log on Google. To start us off, here’s my report of the 2010 season based on our data … Continue reading

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