Author Archives: connorj

April 2014 All Reports (Quick Take)

Here’s a fast (“draft”) sort by species of all April 2014 reports. (You may spot some typos or other errors here, and if so, let me know.) More than 50 observers contributed to our total of 780 reports of 35 … Continue reading

Posted in First Emergences, Looking At Our Data | 1 Comment

April is the coolest month!

Is there a lovelier time of year in South Jersey than late April? Our first flowering plants — high-bush blueberry, shadbush, sassafras, trailing arbutus, dwarf cinquefoil, various violets, and others — are blooming; black cherry and other trees and shrubs … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, First Emergences, Lycaenids, Pierids, Skippers | Comments Off on April is the coolest month!

Special Attention for Frosted Elfin in 2014

Would you be interested in helping protect one of our state’s most endangered butterflies? Here’s a recent email from Robert Somes from the Endangered & Nongame Species Program: Spring is here. I have been checking the blog and things look … Continue reading

Posted in Lycaenids | Comments Off on Special Attention for Frosted Elfin in 2014

Photo Forum version 3.1: An Overlooked Azure?

From the spring of 2008 through the spring of 2013 we logged a total of fewer than half a dozen reports of summer azures in their spring form for all six years combined.  As of April 18, we have 8+ … Continue reading

Posted in ID Challenges & Tips, Looking At Our Data, Lycaenids, Photo Forum | 2 Comments

Photo Forum 3: The Complex Becomes Complexer

Look out, everyone! Trouble ahead! The weather report for today, tomorrow, and the weekend looks good for butterflies — with sunny skies and temperatures crossing into the 70s. Even more little blue butterflies should be flashing around here and there. … Continue reading

Posted in ID Challenges & Tips, Lycaenids, Photo Forum | 2 Comments

Photo Forum 2: Suffering with Sulphurs

We could use some help with this one, everybody! Jesse Amesbury’s photo is our first report of sulphurs of any kind on the log this year, and so it seems a good time to get a discussion going on what … Continue reading

Posted in ID Challenges & Tips, Photo Forum, Pierids | 2 Comments

April Jewels’ Day

    March’s cold and rain seemed to end suddenly on the first day of the new month with a delightful burst of sunshine and butterflies.  Temperatures climbed well above 6o and stayed there for hours. At long last, we … Continue reading

Posted in Early Dates, First Emergences, Lycaenids, Pierids | 1 Comment

Azures before April?

    The emergence of the first blueberry azures seems the first day of spring for many of us South Jersey butterflyers and our patience is being sorely tested this year. Take a look at our list of Early & … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, First Emergences, Host Plants, Looking At Our Data, Lycaenids | Comments Off on Azures before April?

Photo Forum 1: What’s Your Take?

  Some SJ butterflyers have been growing restless with this late winter’s snow and cold and have suggested we warm up for the coming season with some photo IDs. Jack Miller volunteered to start us off with this photo of … Continue reading

Posted in ID Challenges & Tips, Photo Forum, Skippers | 3 Comments

And the season begins….

We have our first 2014 reports of adult butterflies!  Yay! Jack Miller found an eastern comma and two Polygonia, sp. at MacNamara WMA on 2-20-14. On 2-22-14 Brian and Karen Johnson spotted two Polygonia sp. on Weatherby Rd and Will … Continue reading

Posted in First Emergences, Nymphalids | Comments Off on And the season begins….