Some SJ butterflyers have been growing restless with this late winter’s snow and cold and have suggested we warm up for the coming season with some photo IDs.
Jack Miller volunteered to start us off with this photo of two skippers from his yard in Petersburg (Cape May Co) last July.
What’s your take? What are these two skippers? Two different species? Two different-sized individuals of the same species? Let’s hear what you think they are and what features or other information help you with your analysis.
Click on “Leave A Comment” below to share a few words.
If this first forum draws some responses, we can add other photos and learn from each other — all while we wait for the weather to break at long last and bring us some real-world butterflies…..
So, share a few thoughts please! You will help us feel we are getting ready for the puzzles to come.
Two Broadwing Skippers (Poanes viator)… a fresh female and a worn male. The wear makes the dash and spots on either side more obvious
I believe that Ray is correct as far as the species ID. Both are Broad-winged Skippers. July is perfect timing for this species in South Jersey. Both clearly show the HW pale ray flanked by pale spots. The FW subapical spot is visible even on the larger, worn individual. My feeling is that the larger, worn individual is a female, while the small, fresh one is a male. The larger one appears to have slightly more pointed FWs as noted by Cech & Tudor. I’m sure this trait is very subjective and has a lot to do with wear. That said, given the large one is fairly worn it still retains a “pointier” look to the FW apex. At least to my eye.
Agree with Ray and Mike on all details mentioned – two Poanes viators here! The size and shape of this skipper species are distinctive.