Teaching the SDG’s in my future classroom

By: Tara Giandomenico I am on the path to becoming an elementary education teacher and I plan to teach second grade. I have learned that teaching our students about the 17 Global Goals is critical. Especially at a young age, children need to be aware of what’s going on in our world, and what we…

Sustainable Goal #1: Ending Poverty

After careful consideration and deep researching I chose Ending Poverty as my sustainable development goal. I chose this one because in the end all the goals connect to a bigger picture which is ending poverty. Throughout my research I concluded that a lot of the poverty that currently exists as a result of the Covid-19…

Sustainable Development Goal Number 2: Zero Hunger

End Hunger, Achieve Food Security and Improved Nutrition and Promote Sustainable Agriculture From 2014- 2018, world hunger increased from 23.2% to 26.4%. Over 700 million people experienced food insecurity in 2018. The 2020 pandemic was an additional threat to the food systems. The 17 Sustainable Development goals are planned to be achieved by 2030. This…

Climate Change

There are seventeen Global Goals that we can accomplish before 2030. If you want to check out all seventeen click here. For this blog, I chose to focus on climate change. According to the United Nations, 2019 was the second warmest year on record and global temperatures are expected to increase 37.76°F by the year…